作者 主题: [6E]技能  (阅读 13180 次)

副标题: 翻译:拉达

离线 拉达

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 42
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« 于: 2019-09-02, 周一 21:35:13 »



劇透 -   :
Skill  Untrained?
Astral  No
Athletics  Yes
Biotech  No
Close Combat  Yes
Con  Yes
Conjuring  No
Cracking  No
Electronics  Yes
Enchanting  No
Engineering  Yes
Exotic Weapons  No
Firearms  Yes
Influence  Yes
Outdoors  Yes
Perception  Yes
Piloting  Yes
Sorcery  No
Stealth  Yes
Tasking  No


劇透 -   :
This chapter lists all the skills for Shadowrun, Sixth World and
describes their usage. It is detailed but not exhaustive—we cannot
anticipate the vast creativity of Shadowrun players, so there are
likely to be actions they take that are not specifically listed here.
These guidelines, though, should let you know the basic ways ac-
tions break down into skills so you can devise the right test to see
if shadowrunners pull off a glorious victory—or end up face-down
in the gutter.


劇透 -   :
Skill ranks range from 1 to 9. Each skill description lists some
specializations associated with the skill. When you have a specializa-
tion, you get a +2 dice pool bonus when rolling a skill test related to
that area. Once a specialization is purchased, it can be turned into an
expertise, meaning it gets a +3 bonus. If you have an expertise, you
are allowed to select a second specialization attached to that skill.
That specialization may not become an expertise, and no skill can
ever have more than 1 expertise and 1 specialization attached to it.




劇透 -   :
The listings of specializations with each skill are not exhaus-
tive—if players develop a specialization within a skill that they
would like to have, and their gamemaster approves it, they can
have it.

Skills also link to an attribute to form a dice
pool, and the primary linked attribute is listed
with the skill. If there are other attributes linked
to the skill, they are listed as secondary attri-

The listing includes a note about whether the
skill can be used untrained or not. Remember that
attempting to use a skill untrained means rolling
(linked attribute – 1).

« 上次编辑: 2019-10-20, 周日 11:45:01 由 锐锐的小拉达 »

离线 拉达

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 42
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Re: [6E]技能
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-09-03, 周二 23:06:04 »
星界 Astral

专精:星界战斗,星界印记,情感状态(Emotional States),精魂种类
这个技能只能被所有的法师和专精法师使用, 或者拥有[星界感知]异能的修士和神秘修士使用. 他有两个主要用途—一个是灵视,见P159. 另一个是星界战斗,见 P160.

劇透 -   :
Specializations: Astral Combat, Astral Signa-
tures, Emotional States, Spirit Types
Untrained: No
Primary Linked Attribute: Intuition
Secondary Linked Attribute: Willpower, for as-
tral combat.
This skill can only be used by full or aspect-
ed magicians, or by adepts and mystic adepts who
have chosen the Astral Perception adept power. It
has two primary uses—one is for assensing astral
auras, as described on p. 159. The other is for as-
tral combat, as described on p. 160

运动 Athletics





劇透 -   :
Specialization: Climbing, Flying, Gymnastics,
Sprinting, Swimming, Throwing
Untrained: Yes
Primary Linked Attribute: Agility
Secondary Linked Attribute: Strength (used for
tests where extra resistance might be offered, like
running through mud or something)
The Athletics skill is about physical grace and
prowess, which is a combination of a number of
factors—strength, speed, quickness, nimbleness,
and so on. More than that, it is the ability to
coordinate all those qualities together, to draw
on your abilities to meet what the situation de-
As a skill with a variety of uses, it can be em-
ployed in different ways. It is used in Sprint tests
(p. 44) and Full Defense Actions (p. 43), and it is
an attack skill for thrown weapons. In general, it
is paired with Agility to express a certain fluidity
of movement, but it also can be linked to Strength
for tests when sheer muscle power is needed. These
tests are often Simple tests (Full Defense being an
exception). Diving and free-falling are covered
with this skill.
Beyond these guidelines, there are a few specific
types of Athletics tests listed below.





劇透 -   :
Climbing tests are all about moving in a direc-
tion where gravity is working against you and one
slip might not only end your progress but cause
significant harm. The Climbing test is Athletics +
Strength; for each net hit, you move 1 meter up,
down, or sideways (player choice). The trick is
determining the threshold; consult the Climbing
Threshold table for the information on how to de-
termine the threshold.
If a player is equipped with climbing gear
(p. 279), they get a point of Edge when start-
ing their climb. They do not keep gaining Edge
each turn of the climb. If they attempt to pile up
Edge by starting a climb, then jumping off, then
starting a “new climb” on the same surface, you
are allowed to give them a stern talking to and
point them to the Preventing Edge Abuse section
(p. 45).

Base threshold 3
Surface is slick +1
Surface is smooth +1
Surface is greased* +1
Surface has clear hand/footholds –1
*This includes any deliberate treatment to make the
climbing surface difficult to negotiate.



   绳索、塑料手铐(Rope, plastic cuffs)   
   铁手铐(Metal handcuffs)   
   遏制手铐(Containment manacles)   
   强化材料(Reinforced material)   

劇透 -   :
Shadowrunners are frequently getting put in
places where they’d rather not be, and the priority
quickly becomes about getting out. Escaping these
places is an Athletics + Agility test; sample thresh-
olds for this test are in the Escape Thresholds table.

Rope, plastic cuffs 2
Metal cuffs 3
Straitjacket 4
Containment manacles 5
Reinforced material +1
Character is being watched +1
Character is being restrained by
another character
See Grapple (p. 111)



劇透 -   :
The base swimming speed for characters is 3
meters per combat round with a Minor Action
(gear and augmentations may increase this). By
making a Swimming test, which is Athletics + Agil-
ity (2), you add (net hits/2, rounded up) to the dis-
tance in meters. The threshold can be increased for
choppy or otherwise difficult waters. Swimming is
tiring, and the threshold should increase by 1 every
fifteen minutes.

« 上次编辑: 2019-09-06, 周五 23:05:17 由 锐锐的小拉达 »

离线 拉达

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 42
  • 苹果币: 2
Re: [6E]技能
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-09-04, 周三 23:15:28 »
生物科技 Biotech





劇透 -   :
Specialization: Biotechnology, Cybertechnolo-
gy, First Aid, Medicine
Untrained: No
Primary Linked Attribute: Logic
Secondary Linked Attribute: Intuition (this is
rarely used—it is applied when characters try to
do something that is not exactly by the books)
This skill is for characters who know metahu-
man biology. In the Sixth World, that also means
knowing how different augmentations and gear
interact with it. This skill is used in First Aid tests
(p. 119) and Healing tests (p. 120), and it also can
be used when analyzing and repairing cyberware,
bioware, and other augmentations. Another use is
installing cyberware, but not other kinds of ’ware.
Biotech is typically a Simple test, where the char-
acter rolls Biotech + Logic and gains knowledge
about a device or accomplishes repairs based on net
hits. Gamemasters should use the basic Threshold
Guidelines (p. 36) when determining thresholds for
these tests.
Installing cyberware requires an Extended test.
The threshold is (Rating x 3); if the ’ware has no rat-
ing levels, count the rating as 2. The interval is one
hour, and a minimum of a Biotech shop is required.

近身格斗 Close Combat




劇透 -   :
Close Combat
Specialization: Blades, Clubs, Unarmed Combat
Untrained: Yes
Linked Attribute: Agility
Are you near someone? Are you trying to hurt
them? Then use this skill! Whether you’re punch-
ing, stabbing, clubbing, or whatever, roll Close
Combat + Agility vs. Reaction + Intuition (Athlet-
ics can be added for Full Defense; see p. 43)
Full details on Combat are in the Combat chap-
ter (p. 104).

唬骗 Con





劇透 -   :
Specializations: Acting, Disguise, Imperson-
ation, Performance
Untrained: Yes
Linked Attribute: Charisma
The key aspect of this group is persuasion where
you act as someone or something you’re not. May-
be you’re acting like the long-lost heir to a portion of
Dunkelzahn’s hoard, or maybe you’re pretending to
be a down-on-their-luck business suit looking to make
a big score to launch them back to the top. Whatever
the case may be, Con is the skill you use to convince
other people that you are something you are not.
Tests involving Con are Opposed tests, and the
target rolls Intuition + Willpower to resist the con.
Usually this is a simple pass/fail test, looking at
whether the character pulled off their con or not, but
if they scored a high number of net hits, the game-
master can consider the con to be extra persuasive,
making the mark an all-the-more-willing participant.
See Social Test Edge (p. 97) for more informa-
tion about how to gain Edge on social tests.

咒术 Conjuring



劇透 -   :
Specialization: Banishing, Binding, Summoning
Untrained: No
Primary Attribute: Magic
This skill allows you to summon, bind, and
banish spirits. For details, see Conjuring, p. 146.

« 上次编辑: 2019-09-06, 周五 23:05:57 由 锐锐的小拉达 »

离线 拉达

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 42
  • 苹果币: 2
Re: [6E]技能
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-09-05, 周四 23:34:27 »
破解 Cracking


劇透 -   :
Specialization: Cybercombat, Electronic War-
fare, Hacking
Untrained: No
Linked Attribute: Logic
In the Matrix, there are two basic kinds of
actions: legal and illegal. Cracking is what you
use for the illegal ones. For details on the uses of
Cracking, see Matrix, p. 171.

电子学 Electronics

次要关联属性:直觉,用于修补程序(kludge work)


劇透 -   :
Specialization: Computer, Hardware, Software
Untrained: Yes
Primary Linked Attribute: Logic
Secondary Linked Attribute: Intuition, for
kludge work
This is the other side of Matrix work, the legal
side. Whether you’re using your commlink, kludg-
ing some software, fine-tuning your hardware, or
whatever, Electronics is the skill for you. You can
find more details about its use in the Matrix chap-
ter, p. 170.

附魔 Enchanting



劇透 -   :
Specialization: Alchemy, Artificing, Disenchant-
Untrained: No
Linked Attribute: Magic
Enchanting is used to craft—and sometimes
demolish—foci, fetishes, and other items imbued
with magic. Details about this can be found in the
Magic chapter’s Enchanting section, p. 149.

工程学 Engineering



劇透 -   :
Specialization: Aeronautics Mechanic, Automo-
tive Mechanic, Demolitions, Gunnery, Industrial
Mechanic, Lockpicking, Nautical Mechanic
Untrained: Yes
Primary Linked Attribute: Logic
Secondary Linked Attributes: Intuition, for ju-
ryrigging; Agility, for lockpicking
Engineering is about making things do the things
you want them to do—making cars move, planes
fly, boats float, and machines spin and roar so they
can achieve whatever purpose they were built for.
As the specializations show, this can cover a wide
range of areas, but the skill essentially covers four
basic activities: building, repairing, juryrigging,
and vehicle gunnery. Building and repairing both
follow the same basic process—roll an Engineering
+ Logic Extended test, with the threshold deter-
mined by the complexity of the item being built/re-
paired (see Build/Repair Threshold table) and the
interval is based on the complexity of the effort
(see Build/Repair Interval table).





劇透 -   :
Juryrigging is a Simple test, meant to get some-
thing to work in the short term with a quick ad-
justment or even a swift kick. Make an Engineer-
ing + Intuition test, using the Threshold Guidelines
as a guide instead of the Build/Repair Threshold.
If the test is successful, the device functions for (net
hits) minutes. Once it stops functioning, another
Juryrigging test may be attempted, but the thresh-
old should be at least 1 higher than the previous
test, and possibly more depending on how much
wear and tear the machine absorbed in its jury-
rigged state.
Engineering is also used to pick mechanical
locks and maglocks. It is combined with Agility for
these tests, with a threshold based on the complex-
ity of the lock
build/repair THRESHOLDS
Basic threshold 3
Item is …
A consumer vehicle +4
An industrial vehicle +6
A military vehicle +8
A consumer electronic —
A cyberdeck +2
A licensed electronic +1
An illegal electronic +2
Used widely —
Of specialized use +1
build/repair interval
Basic interval 1 hour
Damage is …
Straightforward —
Complicated x2
Extensive x4
Total x10
Note that all intervals assume needed parts and tools
are available.

异种武器 Exotic Weapons 



劇透 -   :
Exotic Weapons
Specialization: See below
Untrained: No
Linked Attribute: Agility
Some weapons are not like any other, and you
need particular training to use them. This skill is
for those weapons. You must select a specialization
to use this skill, and you can only use this skill with
weapons for which you have a specialization. Ex-
pertises cannot be acquired for this skill. You can
buy ranks in this skill, and those ranks can be used
with all specializations you have. This skill is ex-
empt from the rule that you can only have one spe-
cialization per skill, and you cannot have expertise
in this skill. This skill functions the same as other
combat skills, meaning you roll Exotic Weapons
+ Agility vs. Reaction + Intuition; see the Combat
chapter for more details.

« 上次编辑: 2019-09-06, 周五 23:06:47 由 锐锐的小拉达 »

离线 拉达

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 42
  • 苹果币: 2
Re: [6E]技能
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-09-06, 周五 23:19:07 »
枪械 Firearms



劇透 -   :
Specialization: Automatics, Longarms, Pistols,
Rifles, Shotguns
Untrained: Yes
Linked Attribute: Agility
Do you want to shoot things? Use this skill. The
basics are, roll Firearms + Agility vs. Reaction +
Intuition. The details that stack on top of that are
available in the Combat chapter (p. 104).

影响 Influence





劇透 -   :
Specialization: Etiquette, Instruction, Intimida-
tion, Leadership, Negotiation
Untrained: Yes
Primary Linked Attribute: Charisma.
Secondary Linked Attribute: Logic, when mak-
ing a clear argument. Mainly in Negotiation, could
also be in some leadership situations.
This is the other way of shaping the opinions of
others, along with Con. It might be said that this
is the more honest side, but that would be under-
selling the integrity of con artists and overselling
the honesty of business negotiators. The point is,
whether you are trying to inspire your fellow run-
ners, squeeze a few nuyen out of Mr. Johnson, or
let someone know that intense physical pain awaits
them if they cross you, Influence is the skill to use.
The test usually is Influence + Charisma, but some-
times it can be Influence + Logic when the character
is relying on pure reason to get their point across. It
is opposed by Willpower + Intuition when Charis-
ma is used, Willpower + Logic when Logic is used.
Influence is also used for Instruction tests,
which can shorten the time it takes to learn new
skills (see p. 68). Instructors must have 4 or
more ranks in the skill they want to teach. The
instructor makes an Influence + Charisma test,
which reduces the time to learn a skill by 1 day
per net hit.
See Social Test Edge (p. 97) for more informa-
tion about how to gain Edge on social tests.

户外 Outdoors



劇透 -   :
Specialization: Navigation, Survival, Tracking,
by environment (Woods, Desert, Urban Areas, etc.)
Untrained: Yes
Linked Attribute: Intuition
While staying indoors forever, watching trids
and eating WhompSnappers, seems like a good
enough life, sometimes you have to go outside.
Outdoors is to help deal with those times. Whether
you are following the tracks of someone or some-
thing, scaring up food, or figuring out the quick-
est way to your destination, Outdoors is the skill
to use. Typically this is a Simple test, Outdoors +
Intuition with a threshold set using the Threshold
Guidelines on p. 36. Efforts to disguise tracks may
set the threshold for Tracking tests.

侦察 Perception

次要关联属性:逻辑,用于图案识别(pattern recognition)

是不是有人偷偷从前面的烟雾里摸了过来?主管的桌子上是不是有一个暗格?灯的开关在哪边?这些问题可以通过侦察检定来回答。当观察周围环境的时候,这是一个简单检定,侦察+直觉, GM根据找到目标物的难易程度来确定阈值(示例阈值可见侦察阈值表)。侦察同样被用来去找到那些不想被发现的人,这种情况下检定为侦察+直觉对抗隐匿+敏捷(有些时候这些检定不是同时进行的;细节见隐匿章节)。


劇透 -   :
Specialization: Visual, Aural, Tactile, by Envi-
ronment (Woods, Desert, Urban, etc.)
Untrained: Yes
Primary Linked Attribute: Intuition
Secondary Linked Attribute: Logic, for pattern
Is someone sneaking through the smog up
ahead? Is there a secret compartment in that
executive’s desk? Where’s the light switch?
These are some of the questions that can be an-
swered with a Perception test. When observing
an environment, this is a Simple test, Percep-
tion + Intuition with a threshold determined
by the gamemaster based on how difficult it is
to find what the players are looking for (sam-
ple thresholds can be found in the Perception
Thresholds table). Perception is also used to at-
tempt to see those who do not wish to be seen,
in which case the test is Perception + Intuition
vs. Stealth + Agility (sometimes these tests are
not rolled concurrently; see the Stealth section
for more details).
Sometimes Perception is about more than just
taking in the details of your surroundings or try-
ing to spot a hidden object. It may be about seeing
how different things link to each other, or discerning
a pattern in events or movements. In those cases, a
gamemaster can have a player make a Perception +
Logic test, with the threshold based on the complexi-
ty of the information they are trying to piece together.

驾驶 Piloting



劇透 -   :
Specializations: Ground Craft, Aircraft, Water-
Untrained: Yes
Linked Attribute: Reaction
When you want a vehicle to move in a tricky
way, this is the skill to use (riggers live or die by
this skill). This is generally a Simple Test, Piloting
+ Reaction with a threshold based on the difficulty
of the maneuver they are attempting. Sometimes a
Piloting roll is about trying to avoid a tail, or tail
someone else, or some other multi-vehicle action.
In these cases, it’s Piloting + Reaction vs. Piloting
+ Reaction.

巫术 Sorcery



劇透 -   :
Specializations: Counterspelling, Ritual Spell-
casting, Spellcasting
Untrained: No
Linked Attribute: Magic.
The uses of Sorcery are numerous—too nu-
merous to cover here! Instead, look at the Magic
chapter for information on Spells (p. 130), Coun-
terspelling (p. 143), and other uses.

隐匿 Stealth




劇透 -   :
Specialization: Disguise, Palming, Sneaking
Untrained: Yes
Linked Attribute: Agility.
Shadowrunning isn’t supposed to be obvious,
as you should be able to guess by the name, so
Stealth is a very valuable skill. Stealth covers all the
activities characters perform that they do not want
others to notice—sneaking into a research facility,
slipping a credstick out from under a Mafia don’s
nose, blending into a crowd of Lone Star officers,
and so on. Typically, a Stealth + Agility test is made
at the start of such an effort, with the net hits being
used as a threshold for others to notice what the
character is up to. Sometimes the attempt at stealth
happens spontaneously, so it is a Stealth + Agility
vs. Perception + Intuition Opposed test.
In some circumstances, but not all, the size of a
character may play a role in how stealthy they can
be. If the gamemaster judges it to be appropriate,
the Body of a character can be used as a threshold
for their Stealth + Agility test, or the threshold can
be increased based in their size

任务调度 Tasking



劇透 -   :
Specialization: Compiling, Decompiling, Regis-
Untrained: No
Linked Attribute: Resonance
This is the skill technomancers use to do var-
ious technomancer activities. More information
about these activities can be found in the Techno-
mancers section (p. 187).

离线 拉达

  • Adventurer
  • *
  • 帖子数: 42
  • 苹果币: 2
Re: [6E]技能
« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-09-16, 周一 00:08:04 »

   高级精英(Elite pro):你不仅能靠这项技能养活自己,更被认为是同龄人中最好的   

劇透 -   :
Note that the numbers in this table refer to skill rank plus specialization or expertise.
0 Untrained: You’ve never tried to do the thing you’re about to do, at least not seriously.
1 Novice: You’ve taken a few lessons, done some reading, but you’re still pretty new to this area.
2 Advanced beginner: You’ve put in some time and practice, and it shows, but you know many people could easily outpace you.
3 Journeyman: Your skills are starting to be recognized. Your accumulating experience is clear.
4 Professional: When people are hiring for this particular skill, they look for someone like you.
5 Advanced professional: Even other pros realize that you’ve raised your game, and if they don’t hustle you’ll leave them behind.
6 Local legend: You haven’t hit the big time, but people who know you speak of your skill with great respect.
7 Elite: Now you’re making it toward the top. With this level of skill, you outpace the vast majority of the rest of the world.
8 Elite pro: Not only can you make money in this skill, but you’re recognized as one of the best by your peers.
9 National elite: You’re one of the best in your entire nation in this area.
10 Multinational elite: Your skills go beyond your national borders, and they are good enough to excel even in international competition.
Global elite: If there were Olympics for this skill, you’d be considered a gold-medal contender. If there are Olympics for this skill, you should
probably enter them.
12 GOAT: When people talk about the Greatest of All Time, your name is in the mix, if not at the top of the list.




劇透 -   :
Social Test Edge
Some of the best shadowrunners around are the
best talkers, the ones who get the job done without
a single bullet fired. That requires some quick and
smooth talking, and like combat, the surrounding
circumstances can play a large role in how well the
attempt to influence or con someone will go.
The circumstances of a social test may allow
one side or the other to gain Edge. The mechan-
ics for this are not as numerically based as they
are for combat—gamemasters will have to use
judgment about when Edge is awarded and when
it is not. The question at the core of the decision
is simple: Does one side have enough advantage
over the other that they should be awarded Edge?
The following list shows some of the ways one side
might gain Edge over the other in a social situa-
tion, broken down by type of situation (not includ-
ing instruction, since that tends to not be an ad-
versarial process). Generally speaking, Edge would
be awarded once, either at the beginning of an
encounter or when particular circumstances arise,
not repeatedly throughout the encounter.


劇透 -   :
social test edge
Talker is introduced by trusted person Listener has been warned about the talker
Listener is disposed to listen to people like the talker Talker belongs to a group listener has significant prejudices about
Talker’s appearance is perfectly suited for their role Talker does not look like their claimed role at all
Listener has romantic attraction to talker Listener has strong personal dislike of talker
Listener sees clear gain from what talker is saying Listener sees steep risk in what talker is saying
Listener’s thoughts and/or emotions are being controlled by magic
Listener is desperate Listener is in secure position and is risk averse
Talker has convincing support for claims Talker has been caught in clear lie
Talker has significantly more life experience in this area Listener has significantly more life experience in this area
Talker is introduced by trusted person Talker is associated with people the listener dislikes or distrusts
Talker is clearly more physically powerful than listener Listener is clearly more powerful than talker
Listener has no easy ways to leave Listener knows help is on the way
Talker has trust from people they are trying to lead Listeners have clear reasons to distrust talker
Talker outranks listener Listener outranks talker
Listener is desperate Talker lacks experience or expertise for the job
Talker shares critical information listener did not know about Talker shares information that is useless or detrimental to listener




• 航空航天技术
• 奥秘学
• [地区]帮派
• 汽车模型
• 战斗车手
• 企业风格
• 间谍技巧
• 黑客组织
• 执法公司
• 魔法社群
• 魔法流派
• 泛位面
• [国家]政治
• 兽人美食
• Orkxploitation音乐
• [地区/时代]历史
• 安保系统
• 第六纪历史

劇透 -   :
Knowledge Skills
Knowledge skills do not have ranks, because
they are not used directly in skill tests. Instead,
they are used to provide opportunities to gain
knowledge connected to other tests. For example,
if a character has Security Systems knowledge and
performs a Perception test to look over a corporate
facility exterior, their test might give them a chance
to see where cameras are located and when patrols
go by. If they have the Seattle Gangs knowledge
skill, a successful Perception test might help them
know that the people walking up to them are mem-
bers of the Halloweeners gang. The Seattle Streets
Knowledge skill would help them when making
Outdoors tests in the Seattle area. Players may also
make Memory tests (p. 67) to see if they can recall
certain facts about areas where they have a Knowl-
edge skill.
By definition, Knowledge skills cannot be used
Below is a list of some, but certainly not all,
possible Knowledge skills. Players are free to make
their own, with gamemaster approval.
• Aerospace Technology
• Arcana
• [Area] Gangs
• Automobile Models
• Combat Biker
• Corporate Personalities
• Espionage Techniques
• Hacker Groups
• Law Enforcement Corps
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• 斯派瑞瑟尔语
• 斯派瑞瑟尔语(专精)
• 斯派瑞瑟尔语(精通)
• 斯派瑞瑟尔语(母语)

劇透 -   :
Language Skills
The Sixth World is full of a variety of languages.
All the languages present in our world remain in
place, as well as some new ones, such as Sperethiel,
the language of the elves; Or’zet, the language of
orks; and Cityspeak, the language of the streets.
Knowing how to speak these languages can be the
key to picking up information people are trying
to hide from you, or to building connections with
important contacts.
Language skills are Knowledge skills with spe-
cialization ranks. That means they have four levels,
like so:
• Sperethiel
• Sperethiel (Specialist)
• Sperethiel (Expert)
• Sperethiel (Native)




技能使用范例:卡斯漫游马(Cass Wandering Horse)点了一点斯派瑞瑟尔语帮助自己的调查工作,但还没有到达专精级。在调查一个毒品走私集团时,他无意中听到古人帮的成员在用斯派瑞瑟尔语交流。他靠的更近了点,看看自己能不能做点什么。他们在安静的说话,因此GM把阈值设为4.漫游马有4侦察和5直觉,所以他骰9骰子看自己是否能听懂在说些什么。他的队友们没有斯派瑞瑟尔语技能去理解别人的话,所以只能依靠流浪马。如果他有专精,他的骰池加到11;精通加到12。


劇透 -   :
At the first level, you gain the ability to use
Perception tests to understand things in that lan-
guage, which you could not have done before. This
functions the same as other Knowledge skills. At
the second level, you gain 2 dice on tests related
to understanding the language. At the third level,
the dice pool bonus on tests to understand the lan-
guage increases to 3. Native speakers do not have
to roll a test to understand that language.
Character advancement only allows you to ad-
vance to Expert level. The only way to gain a Na-
tive language is as part of the character creation
process—one such language is selected for free
during character creation, while qualities might
provide a bonus language. You never need to make
tests to understand things in your native language.
The thresholds of tests to understand languages
is based on the Threshold Guidelines table, p. 36.
Elements such as the volume and speed people use
when speaking or the amount of slang/lingo em-
ployed can affect the threshold.
The skill works like this in practice: Cass Wan-
dering Horse has picked up a little Sperethiel
to help him in his investigative work, but not
enough to be a specialist yet. While looking into a
drug-smuggling ring, he overhears a couple mem-
bers of the Ancients talking to each other in Spere-
thiel. He leans in closer to see what he can make
out. They are speaking quietly, so the gamemaster
sets the threshold at 4. Wandering Horse has Per-
ception 4 and Intuition 5, so he rolls 9 dice to see
if he can make out what they are saying. His team-
mates, who do not have the Sperethiel language
skill, have no chance to understand what is being
said, so they have to rely on Wandering Horse. If
he were a specialist, he could increase his dice pool
for the test to 11; expertise would make it 12.
He rolls 5 hits, just enough to make out that the
words “bar,” “Puyallup,” and “novacoke” are part
of the conversation. He has a lead to follow!

« 上次编辑: 2019-10-21, 周一 08:42:01 由 锐锐的小拉达 »