作者 主题: 自用自翻资源帖  (阅读 956685 次)

副标题: 积少成多 滴水成河

离线 愚 者

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« 回帖 #30 于: 2016-04-24, 周日 17:06:39 »
神射手(Deadeye Bowman) 出自《内海诸神》(Inner Sea Gods)

劇透 -  原文:
Deadeye Bowman
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 219
Category Religion
Requirement(s) Erastil
When you are using a longbow, if only a single creature is providing soft cover to your target, your target does not receive the +4 bonus to AC .

离线 靜海聆

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Re: 背景
« 回帖 #31 于: 2016-04-24, 周日 19:05:21 »
灵界特性 出自???


劇透 -  原文:
A lack of gravity is not the same as flight. Movement is difficult, and creatures without something to push off from often find themselves f loating helplessly. When a creature does manage to find something to propel itself off of, it can move in any direction, but at half speed. Double-moves and charges are still possible, but running is not. If provided with sufficient handholds, a creature with a climb speed can move along a wall at full speed, as can any PC who makes a DC 20 Climb check (adding in her Dexterity bonus). Note as well that a creature that moves in a given direction continues to move in that direction at the same speed each round (without the cost of a move action) unless it is able to change its motion by latching on to an object or creature, pushing off in a new direction, or creating thrust of some kind (all of which are considered move actions). Creatures that fly using physical means, such as wings or jet propulsion, are affected by these same rules while in vacuum—in atmosphere, they may recover and get their bearings within 2d6 rounds, after which they can fly normally. Magical flight is not affected. A character in a weightless environment can lift and carry 10 times her normal amount. Projectile weapons have their range categories multiplied by 10. In addition, ranged weapons no longer have a maximum number of range increments—their wielders simply continue to accrue penalties the farther away the target is.


离线 愚 者

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« 回帖 #32 于: 2016-04-24, 周日 22:23:31 »
耀炎骑士团/离火道(Order of the Flame) 出自《元素之血》(Blood of the Elements)


挑战:一个耀炎骑士团的骑将随着他的光荣胜利变得越来越有恃无恐。将他的挑战目标生命值降到0点或更低后,以一个直觉动作,骑将可以选择一个15尺内的敌人,发动荣耀挑战(Glorious Challenge)。

荣耀挑战/乙连斩(Glorious Challenge):一个荣耀挑战不计入骑将挑战的每日可用次数,但是其他方面如同骑将的挑战职业能力一般运作。当他发动一个荣耀挑战时,骑将在荣耀挑战期间AC承受-2减值(这个减值与正常的骑将挑战对抗挑战目标以外敌人所承受的-2AC减值相叠加)。骑将对荣耀挑战目标的近战伤害获得目前为止连续发动的荣耀挑战次数2倍的士气加值。只要他持续不断地击败他荣耀挑战的目标并且有其他的敌人在范围内,骑将就可以持续无限地发动荣耀挑战,AC的减值和伤害的加值也随着后来的敌人增加。举例而言,一个5级的骑将刚刚发动了他击败最初挑战(Challenge)目标后的第三次荣耀挑战(Glorious Challenge),他的AC承受-6减值(对荣耀挑战目标外承受-8减值)并且近战伤害获得11点加值(来源于他基础的挑战能力的一个+5加值,加上来源于连续三个荣耀挑战的+6士气加值)


鲁莽冲锋/屡错然(Foolhardy Rush):2级时,骑将可以在注意到敌人的瞬间穿越战场。无论什么时候骑将进行先攻检定,只要他的骰子投出11或更高,他可以以一个直觉动作移动至多他基础速度的距离,并且他不被视为措手不及。如果骑将下一回合采取动作移动,他要从他的总移动距离中减去他在先攻检定中移动的距离。
惊人成功/戚嗟若(Daunting Success):8级时,无论什么时候骑将用近战武器确认了一个重击,以一个直觉动作,他可以进行一个威吓检定,来挫败15尺内所有能看见他的敌人的士气。这个能力每场战斗只能使用一次。
荣耀之炎/王出征(Blaze of Glory):15级时,他可以以一个标准动作发动一个荣耀之炎(Blaze of Glory)。等同于他魅力调整值的轮数,骑将可以增加10尺基本速度,冲锋时可以忽略困难地形,并且攻击检定获得+4加值(取代+2)。骑将每次战斗只能使用一次这个能力。

劇透 -  原文:
Order of the Flame
Source Blood of the Elements pg. 7
A cavalier of the order of the flame devotes his life to the pursuit of personal glory. Even if such pursuit puts his own life on the line, the cavalier pursues legendary status and the fame and glory associated with such renown.

Edicts: The cavalier must pursue glory for himself and those with whom he associates. He must strive to heap glory upon his name, no matter the costs. He must challenge and defeat an ever-increasing host of rivals to further cement his illustrious reputation.

Challenge: A cavalier of the order of the flame becomes ever more emboldened with each glorious victory. As an immediate action after reducing the target of his challenge to 0 hit points or fewer, the cavalier can elect to issue a glorious challenge to an opponent within 15 feet.

Glorious Challenge: A glorious challenge does not count against the cavalier’s number of challenges per day, but otherwise acts like a cavalier’s challenge class feature. When he issues a glorious challenge, the cavalier takes a –2 penalty to AC for the duration of the glorious challenge (this penalty stacks with the usual –2 AC penalty against opponents other than the target of the cavalier’s challenge). The cavalier gains a morale bonus on melee damage rolls against the target of his glorious challenge equal to 2 × the number of consecutive glorious challenges he has issued thus far. As long as he continues to defeat targets of his glorious challenges and there are more opponents in range, the cavalier can continue to issue glorious challenges indefinitely, with the penalty to AC and the bonus on damage rolls increasing with each subsequent foe. For example, a 5th-level cavalier that has just issued his third glorious challenge after defeating the original target of his challenge takes a –6 penalty to AC (–8 against creatures other than the target of his glorious challenge) and gains a +11 bonus on melee damage rolls (a +5 bonus from his base challenge ability plus a +6 morale bonus for three consecutive glorious challenges).

Skills: A cavalier of the order of the flame adds Knowledge (local) and Survival to his class skills. Whenever the cavalier’s current hit point total matches or exceeds his maximum hit point total, he gains a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Order Abilities: A cavalier of the order of the flame gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Foolhardy Rush: At 2nd level, the cavalier can charge across the battlefield at a moment’s notice. Whenever the cavalier attempts an initiative check, as long as he rolls an 11 or higher on the die, he can move up to his base speed as an immediate action and he is not considered flat-footed. If the cavalier takes an action to move during his next turn, he subtracts the number of feet moved during the initiative check from his total movement.

Daunting Success: At 8th level, whenever the cavalier confirms a critical hit with a melee weapon, as an immediate action he can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 15 feet who can see him. This ability can be used only once per combat.

Blaze of Glory: At 15th level, the cavalier can declare a blaze of glory as a standard action. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, the cavalier increases his base speed by 10 feet, can ignore difficult terrain while charging, and gains a +4 bonus on his attack rolls (instead of +2). A cavalier can use this ability only once per combat.
« 上次编辑: 2016-04-24, 周日 23:01:44 由 愚 者 »

离线 梦子

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #33 于: 2016-04-25, 周一 09:30:21 »
协会守护者(Defender of the Society):你花时间向协会的伟大战士学习新的着甲防御技能。在你穿中型或重型盔甲时,你得到+ 1AC加值。Your time spent studying the greatest warriors of the Society taught you new defensive skills while wearing armor. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor. 战斗背景
213605-2 Holistacia 【商凰】赫里斯塔夏.银松
213605-3 Star Flower 星之花
213605-4 Galanodel·YL 嘉兰诺德·银翎
213605-5 hui
213605-7 Hololo 火洛洛.斯卡雷特
213605-8 Age.Lannide 【封疆领主】艾歌·索杜亚·兰妮德
213605-9 blaker 黑猫
213605-10 Alm Nord.Chaldean 阿玛诺德.占星者
213605-11 Phosphophyllite 法斯法菲莱特
213605-12 Ronoa.San.Christine 【侠盗】罗诺亚.圣.克里斯丁
213605-13 CeleMei 告死鸦.凯莱玫
213605-14 Secondas.Alison 朔月.阿利森

离线 愚 者

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« 回帖 #34 于: 2016-04-25, 周一 21:22:07 »
天眷冠军(Favored Champion) 出自《内海种族》(Inner Sea Races)

劇透 -  原文:
Favored Champion
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 195
Category Race
Requirement(s) Human - Shoanti
Omens from the spirits indicated you would be a great champion against your tribe’s enemies. Once per day as an immediate action when you fail a combat maneuver check, you can reroll it. You must take the second result even if it is worse.
« 上次编辑: 2016-04-25, 周一 21:24:02 由 愚 者 »

离线 空山鳴

  • 罗德里克·法斯特伯爵
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« 回帖 #35 于: 2016-04-29, 周五 01:31:57 »
报复心(Vengeful) 出自《任务与战役Quests and Campaigns》
分类 战斗
效果 在你幼年时代,一些你无力抵抗的家伙时不时的会虐待你。现在当有机会反击那些曾经伤害过你的人,你便会兴奋不已。当攻击24小时之内最后一个伤害你的生物时,伤害骰获得+1背景加值。

劇透 -  原文:
During your childhood, you suffered occasional or frequent abuse from those too powerful for you to resist. Now you thrill at the chance to get back at those who wronged you. Whenever you strike the last creature that damaged you in the past 24 hours, you gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against that creature.
« 上次编辑: 2016-04-29, 周五 01:44:20 由 空山鳴 »

离线 空山鳴

  • 罗德里克·法斯特伯爵
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« 回帖 #36 于: 2016-04-29, 周五 01:50:49 »
太阳赐福(Sun-Blessed) 出自《外星居民(People of the Stars)》
分类 魔法
效果 你出生时太阳的位置恰好显露出吉祥的预兆。结果就是你天生就与光明和生命力有着紧密的联系。不论何时你所受到的治疗超出了你的最大生命值,那么超过的部分会转化为临时生命值。你每天通过此方式获得的临时生命值数最高等同于你的生命骰数。这些临时生命值持续1分钟时间。

劇透 -  原文:
Your birth came at a time when the sun was auspiciously aligned with your birth sign. As a result, you have a natural affinity for light and life. Whenever you’re affected by a healing effect that would heal more hit points than your maximum hit point total, you gain the excess healing as temporary hit points. You can gain up to a number of temporary hit points per day equal to your character level in this way. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

离线 道是无常

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« 回帖 #37 于: 2016-05-04, 周三 10:33:08 »
凶猛药水(Fervor Juice) 出自《怪物志》(Monster Codex)
价格:50gp 重量:-
类型:炼金工具 制造DC:工艺(炼金) 20
效果:这种散发着难闻气味的炼金混合物能赋予喝下它的生物短暂时间的凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex)特性。这和同名的通用怪物规则作用相同,并从喝下之后起持续1小时。制造这个物品需要需要成功通过DC20的工艺(炼金)检定。
【速查】凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex): 拥有凶猛能力的生物即使在HP达到0以下,也可以保持清醒并且继续战斗。该生物还是会在HP低于0时进入恍惚状态,并且每轮失去1点HP。拥有凶猛能力的生物在HP降到体质属性负值时还是会死亡。

劇透 -  原文:
Fervor Juice
Source Monster Codex pg. 117
Price 50 gp; Weight
Category Alchemical Tools
This foul-tasting alchemical concoction grants those that imbibe it ferocity for a short period of time. This functions as the universal monster rule of the same name, and lasts for 1 hour from the time you ingest the solution. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20
« 上次编辑: 2016-06-21, 周二 08:57:07 由 道是无常 »
Dream as if you would live forever.
Live as if you would die today.

离线 道是无常

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« 回帖 #38 于: 2016-05-04, 周三 10:54:51 »
弹簧腕鞘(Wrist Sheath, Spring Loaded) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)
价格:5gp 重量:1磅

劇透 -  原文:
Wrist Sheath (Spring Loaded)
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 19
Price 5 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Adventuring Gear
This item works like a standard wrist sheath, but releasing an item from it is a swift action. Preparing the sheath for this use requires cranking the sheath’s tiny gears and springs into place (a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity).
Dream as if you would live forever.
Live as if you would die today.

离线 愚 者

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« 回帖 #39 于: 2016-05-07, 周六 09:14:42 »
注射矛(Syringe spear) 出自《冒险家的武器库》(Adventurer's Armory)


价格:100gp   重量:6磅



劇透 -  原文:
Syringe spear
Source Adventurer's Armory pg. 5 ,Classic Horrors Revisited pg. 8

Cost 100 gp Weight 6 lbs.
Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium); Critical x3; Range 20 ft.; Type P; Specialbrace, see text

The blade of this weapon, which is also called an injection spear, contains a thin tube or bore that connects to a hollow container just beneath the crosspiece. A successful hit with the spear injects the liquid contents of the container (typically poison or a potion) into the target. Refilling a syringe spear takes 1 minute.
« 上次编辑: 2016-05-07, 周六 09:16:43 由 愚 者 »