作者 主题: 谭森和无底要塞  (阅读 14026 次)


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« 于: 2007-07-19, 周四 18:45:41 »

谭森(Tenser 守序善良 男性人类 法师22)很久以前就成为了法兰尼斯的一股善良和秩序的势力。584CY在他发现那个凯特人要暗杀所有和平签署日的出席者的计划之后,背信弃义的拉瑞杀死了他。一度,谭森就像他在那天去世的同僚欧提路克一样,被认为永远的死亡了。但是,尽管拉瑞和他的同谋者罗比拉男爵(Lord Robilar)消灭了所有谭森的已知克隆,一群勇敢的冒险者在露娜上苦战残忍的图尔尼后复活了他。
在585CY回到了奥斯之后,谭森脱离了八叶,最终觉悟了他的价值观从根本上就和那个尊贵的团体的观点不同。他回到了自己的领地重建他的财富和与散布在法兰尼斯的许多朋友、间谍和盟友的关系。这些人的最重要的就是残忍的灰绿之Cymria(混乱善良 女神精灵 战士6/法师5/奥法骑士3),她住在叫做巫师角(Magepoint)的村庄并且是谭森在该区域内的主要发言人。

无底要塞(The Fortress of Unknown Depths)
危险的鸟类生物,一条雾龙(mist dragon)和其他住在奈尔戴夫水中的东西守卫着要塞免受不受欢迎的来访者的侵扰。数个强力效应也护卫着这座要塞。传送和类似法术在无底要塞的周围也无法作用。通过这种方法旅行的人会被从城堡弹开。(这对于没有准备就出现在奈尔戴夫之上的团队可能很惨。)


为了这个目的,蓝袍大法师已经开始集合拥护他事业的盟友了。许多都是他冒险时期的朋友。其中之一就是Torkeep的领主Franz(守序中立 男性人类 战士20),圣盾骑士团在灰鹰战争中存活下来的最强者之一,是严阵以待的护盾之地的关键人物。Franz是谭森对抗老者计划中的主要行动者。另一个就是维斯维的女元帅,银弓之Rowena(混乱善良 女性人类 游侠20)。

« 上次编辑: 2007-07-21, 周六 19:06:31 由 donkey »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2007-07-19, 周四 19:00:45 »

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Re: 谭森和无底要塞
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-06-23, 周二 14:00:54 »
劇透 -   :
Tenser and the Fortress of Unknown Depths
Mysterious Places

by Creighton Broadhurst and Paul Looby

Tenser (LG male human wizard 22) has long been a force for good and law in the Flanaess. The perfidious Rary slew him, however, after apparently uncovering the Ketite’s plot to assassinate all those attending the Day of the Great Signing in 584 CY. For a time, Tenser was, like his companion Otiluke who also fell that day, believed permanently slain. However, though Rary and his co-conspirator, Lord Robilar, destroyed all Tenser’s known clones, the actions of a brave party of adventurers returned him to life after an epic struggle on Luna against Tuerny the Merciless.

Returning to the Oerth in 585 CY, Tenser eschewed the Circle of Eight, finally realising that his philosophy of weal was fundamentally different to the outlook of that august body. Instead, he returned to his demesne to rebuild his wealth and to re-establish relationships with his many friends, spies, and allies scattered across the Flanaess. Chief among these is the merciless Cymria of the Celadon (CG female elf fighter 6/wizard 5/eldritch knight 3) who dwells in the village of Magepoint and is Tenser’s main voice in that community.

The Fortress of Unknown Depths

The Fortress of Unknown Depths stands about 80 miles east of the Free City of Greyhawk amid the turbulent dark blue waters of the Nyr Dyv. Long home to Tenser the Archmage, it is a well-known, but seldom-visited place.

The fortress sits atop a low, black rock about half a mile from shore. Its pale blue battlements are dwarfed by the castle’s central donjon, which soars skyward and is topped with a huge, many faceted dome that glitters under Pelor’s radiance like some huge, immeasurably valuable jewel.

Connected to shore by a long, steep-sided causeway of black rock, the fortress stands in a relatively isolated position, with the village of Magepoint being the only nearby settlement of note.

Dangerous avian creatures as well as a mist dragon and other things that dwell beneath the waters of the Nyr Dyv guard the fortress against unwelcome visitors. Several powerful affects also ward the fortress. Spells such as teleport and the like do not function within the immediate surroundings of the Fortress of Unknown Depths. Instead, those travelling by such means are shunted away from the castle. (This could be particularly disastrous for an unprepared party appearing above the Nyr Dyv.)

Finally, rumors abound of ancient magics and strange machinery hidden deep below the fortress. Tenser and his associates are reticent on this subject, which only serves to stoke the rumor mill in nearby towns and city.


This small, sleepy, idyllic village appears, at face value, to be an archetypal farming and fishing community. Well-tended fields and meadows surround the village proper, while many fishing boats bob at anchor along the village’s dock. A coastal pathway links Magepoint with Elmshire in the west and Goldplain in the Duchy of Urnst in the east. Another pathway – really little more than an earthen track – links Magepoint with Diamond Lake.

Tenser and Recent Events

Since his return to life, Tenser has not often appeared in public, preferring to work through trusted or unknowing intermediaries. He has spent the last decade making plans, searching out new allies, and retrieving his many stolen treasures. In Tenser’s mind, the time for planning is over; now is the time for action!

Tenser has two main goals: the complete defeat and destruction of Iuz (the Old One) and Rary, Monarch of the Bright Lands. Few individuals would even have the bravery to serious contemplate these mammoth tasks. Tenser, however, is one of the few individuals in the Flanaess to have the skill, tenacity, and resources to make success a possibility.

To this end, the Blue Archmage has begun to assemble a coterie of allies to champion his cause. Many are old allies from his days as an adventurer. One such is Franz, Lord of Torkeep (LN male human fighter 20), one of the most puissant of the Knights of the Holy Shielding to survive the Greyhawk War, a pivotal figure in the embattled Shield Lands. Franz is a prime mover in Tenser’s schemes against the Old One. Another is Rowena of the Silverbow, Lady Marshal of the Vesve (CG female human ranger 20).

Closer to home, Tenser has lent support to the paladin Karistyne in her efforts to check the ambitions of Rary. Tenser also has many contacts among the Gynarchy of Hardby, many of whom mistrust the intentions of the so-called Emperor of the Bright Lands.
« 上次编辑: 2020-06-23, 周二 14:03:57 由 泰核坦 »