作者 主题: 【HS】创造人类最好的朋友BUILDING MAN'S BEST FRIEND,p.166~p.186  (阅读 15110 次)

副标题: 大家都来玩驯兽师啊

离线 风炎33

  • Adventurer
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  • 帖子数: 62
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劇透 -   :
> After a little … discussion regarding the quantity of his
previous post versus the value of season fucking tickets,
Lacey has generously offered up more about the details of
modified animals, particularly the ones that have taken on
that all-too-ominous name “warforms.”
> Slamm-0!
劇透 -   :
Man’s first friend was wolf. From that came man’s best
friend: dog. Now? I am quite content with my three
hounds. I have a Cerberus mastiff named Willies that I
raised from a pup, a hellhound stray I adopted who re?sponds to Broomhilda, and a schnauzer who will hop in
my lap literally every time I sit down. He’s Fred. Most
runners who bust into a lab will run across paracritters
sooner or later. Why wouldn’t they? More often than
not, the critters were created and raised there. They
guard what’s there, and often they are worth more than
the goal of the run. Mundane cockatrice, UV-plumed
celebrity chimeras, chickens who lay the most delicious
eggs you can imagine. Sure, it’s tough to build a magical
beast, but we can built our own fantastic flesh, and the
value is obvious with every new generation model—and
the accompanying cred corps will shell out to examine
it. Or, if you’re a real self-starter like me, you find value
by figuring out how to use the critters for your own ends.
>Kat o’ Nine Tales
劇透 -   :
> Willies … like the plural of William?
> Kat o’ Nine Tales
> Oui, my dear. Three heads, each named William. When
someone pisses me off enough, it’s time to pay the Bills.
> Lacey
> <facepalm>
> Glitch
劇透 -   :
So let us talk about this brave new breed of animal,
built from the ground up and limited only by our imagi?nations and our credit lines.
Besides mundane critters and paracritters there are
three main categories of unnatural critters on the mar?ket: chimerics, warforms, and biodrones.

劇透 -   :
The name of chimerics derives from ancient legend, a
creature that combined the bodies of a lion, a goat, and
a fire-breathing serpent. In ancient days this was, per?haps, a thing of imagination, or some aberrant Awak?ened creature, or just the fever dream that anything
could breed with anything. But science has always been
about breaking things down to smaller parts, because
when they get small enough, often times you find you
can put all the parts together in new and interesting
ways. So it is for the geneticist, who finds that he can
use bits from a lion, a goat, and a snake together, and
what is born can survive—perhaps even thrive.
But what possible purpose could we achieve from
such unnatural unions? Quite a few, as we have dis?covered. First and foremost on your mind is security.
Imagine a large cat with the armor plating of an arma?dillo or the vermonasal organs of a snake. Or a rhesus
monkey with patagia, gliding down silently to deliver
a neurotoxic bite with its oversized stinger. A chimeric
security animal is about taking the most lethal features
of nature’s arsenal and putting them together to create
animal supersoldiers. Faster, tougher, smarter, and best,
unpredictable. What you think is merely an adorable
capybara munching on manicured corporate grass is
actually capable of ultrasonic hearing. When it hears a
particular tone, perhaps an alarm, it begins defensively
spraying from a skunk-like gland. But that’s not musk,
it’s corrosive and already eating away at you. You may
think this mere fancy, but I promise, all of this is possi?ble and more.
劇透 -   :
The most visible of the chimerics are the genepets.
No nova-hot starlet is content with a mere pure-breed
purse dog anymore; they want something special,
something unique to fit their unique lives. And they are
available, though not quite on demand. You see, the
dirty secret behind these animals is that they are, more
often than not, simply mistakes. Rough drafts of genet?ic template combinations that just so happen to be the
perfect combination of harmless and cute, marketable
as designer pets for the rich or eccentric.
>也不全都是错误和副作用。几个搞基因技术的生物朋克团体在用实验室试着创作更时髦的,他们称之为“活生生的艺术”。他们不断地这里改改那里加点儿,直到做出他们所宣称的“全新的生命形式”。芝加哥北部蔓城区的神之画布(Godkanvas)宣称要创作出一种可爱的魔鬼鼠品种。柏林的生命艺术(Die Kunst des Lebens)画廊展示了一种水下……我不知道是什么。它很美,样子有几分分形和怪异,让我想起了洛氏恐怖故事。
>Kat o’ Nine Tales
劇透 -   :
> It’s not all mistakes and side effects. Several art house
genetic groups of biopunks use their labs to try to fashion
what they consider “living art.” They tweak and add here
and there until they create what they claim are entirely
new forms of life. GodKanvas in the Chicago Northside
sprawl has made it their mission to make an adorable
breed of devil rat. Berlin’s Die Kunst des Lebens gallery
unveiled a kind of underwater … I don’t know what. It was
beautiful, sort of fractal and weird and made me think of
Lovecraft stories.
> Kat o’ Nine Tales
> Who would want to make devil rats adorable? Why not
make them, I don’t know, less dangerous?
> Aufheben
> That’s the kind of attitude that destroys entire biospheres.
Don’t you think we’ve interfered enough?
> Ecotope
> You can’t get them designed to spec? How come?
> Lyran
> He gets to science of that a little later on, but one economic
reason is the “Spontaneity Index.” When you make art,
part of the point is that is is discovered, rather than made
according to plan. Something you find may seem to have
more value than something you commission, because
it challenges and inspires you in new ways. It factors
into a lot of social engineering and marketing, including
portraying a sense of adventure and taste for having
found it first, or being avant-garde enough to recognize
its value and acquire it. Believe me, the bleeding edge of
fashion is big money, and it can shape entire memes and
trends for the heavy hitters in R&D and Marketing.
> Sunshine
>Turbo Bunny
>Turbo Bunny
劇透 -   :
For the mid-range chimera owner, there are certain
pets that have proven so popular that the demand had
to be satisfied. A few years ago you only found Cerbe?rus corgis on the arms of starlets and tinies in corporate
gene zoos. This past Christmas, over 50,000 three-head?ed fuzzballs poked their way out from under the yule
tree to the delight of children and spouses everywhere.
> No, they won’t hurt much if they bite, but it’s three times
the barking on a B&E. Remember that.
> Ma’Fan
> I really can’t handle how cuddly and soft they are. They are
so, so friendly!
> Turbo Bunny
> That’s due to trace levels of other breeds introduced in a
very, very precise fashion. They will never grow too large,
they will never display hostile behavior, they will keep
learning new tricks, they are intensely loyal to their family
unit, and they are quite intelligent. It took a balancing act
of over two hundred breeds of dog to get just the right
combination without sacrificing the primacy of Cerberus
or corgi physical expression.
> Man, you like to take the fun out of everything, don’t you?
> Turbo Bunny
劇透 -   :
[The least visible, yet most used and indeed seen, are
the commercial chimerics. We talk about frankenfoods
all the time, the genetically modified vegetation and an?imals that account for most of the so-called fresh pro?duce we consume. It’s a step up from recontexturalized
soy and krill with flavor from the faucet, but it’s still not
the genuine beef, cheese, fruits, or vegetables our an?cestors enjoyed, and which the super-rich can still have
set on their table. Rather, it’s something modified to pro?duce more, faster, cleaner food. Or at least clean enough
for a megacorp’s own safety standards. Ah, monopoly.
But I digress
But for every naturalist who decries genetically
modified produce, there is the simple fact that, quite
often, these genetweaked animals can, indeed, make
novel flavors and produce greater nutrition, and do it at
a pace that allows metahumanity to keep eating. Con?sider Healthy Farms Farm-Fresh Organic Brown Eggs,
available any fine grocery outlet in the UCAS. Sure, it’s
a frankenfood, but did you know that those eggs come from chickens which incorporate the genetic material
of chickens, ostriches, pigeons, quails and a little bit of
toad to hold it all together? And did you know that by
using these particular laying hens, they need fewer of
them, meaning they can happily roam free when they
aren’t laying? And did you further know that each of
those eggs contains three times the protein content as
eggs from before the turn of the century? To say noth?ing of all the vitamins they have that were never pres?ent in farm eggs before. Sure, it’s pricey. Sure, it’s not
the way nature intended. But damn, it’s tasty, and it’s
good for you

>Kat o’ Nine Tales
>The Smiling Bandit
劇透 -   :
> Plus, have you ever actually seen ancestor food? The stuff
that, say, a banana is evolved from? It hardly looks edible,
at all.
> Kat o’ Nine Tales
> Yeah, but I don’t think kiwinanas are naturally occurring,
either …
> 2XL
> For once, I’d call that a win for science.
> The Smiling Bandit
> God I miss food.
> Red
> Unless you’ve got the cred for the real thing, you’re not
missing much.
> Sounder
> What? Nonsense. You just don’t appreciate the pleasures
of a Big Beef and Kimchi Burrito from the Stuffer Shack at
two a.m. Or a crackling bowl of Choco-Bombs mixed with
fresh-popped soycorn. Or—
> Slamm-0
> Please stop.
> Red
> The same goes for any kind of food in the past two
centuries, at least, and in many cases even longer
than that. Evolutionary models of most flora and
fauna for consumption are vastly different, and often
unrecognizable, compared to the form we consider
palatable today.
劇透 -   :
Of course, despite the precision demanded of gene?tech, it is far from without problems, the most glaring of
which is the complexity of how genetic structures inter-act with one another in unforeseen ways. Let’s look at
the examples I’ve given so far.
• Armor cats lose a great deal of their flexibility
from the armadillo plating, which is fine if they
get the drop, but they can’t dodge as well as a
normal cat. That’s just a practical tradeoff.
• Rhesus scorpios are very, very aggressive. The
hyperactivity of the sugar glider lends it an en?hanced metabolism, which interacts with the
hormonal balance of the monkey, provoking a
very hostile attitude. The stinger just makes the
threat that much greater.
• Spray caps have an extraordinary diet. That corp
grass I mentioned? It is also genetically engi?neered to grow fast. It better, because escaped
spray caps can strip natural land bare in minutes.
Not a cheap beast.
• Cerberus corgis aren’t cheap pets to buy, but
the real cost is in keeping them. They have very
specific dietary needs, and you can’t go feed?ing them scraps from the plate or any old kibble
from the store. They need specially balanced
food (also made by the same distributor. Coinci?dence? Nope, vertical integration) that contains
the very precise vitamin and amino acid combi?nations to keep them not only healthy, but alive.
Maybe that was built in. Maybe the price of it’s
existence by chance. Who knows?
• Chimera chickens often have short lives. The
ability to generate so many eggs, so often, so
large, and packed with nutrition, demands great
quantities of sustenance, and the process takes
a tremendous toll on their bodies. More often
than not, they burn out. All accounts say they are
pretty happy, as far as chickens go, but still, pro?tests and boycotts march on.
>Hard Exit
>The Smiling Bandit
>The Smiling Bandit
劇透 -   :
> Can you imagine an existence more horrifying?
> Ecotope
> As a matter of fact …
> Hannibelle
The tinies, though a simple concept, were excep?tionally difficult to manufacture. Simply shrinking
down existing large species often causes extensive
health issues and genetic instabilities. The physical
structure of an elephant simply cannot function scaled
down to a quarter-meter tall. The tiny elephant is pro?duced with the base DNA of a rock hyrax (a close rel?ative of the elephant) to produce a creature that has
the desired appearance. The tiny giraffe is produced
from the DNA of an extinct breed of protohorse called
Eohippus with heavy cross species gene splicing. Chi?meric modifications are easiest with critters within the
same genetic Class, for example from one mammal to
another. Crossing Phylum lines is very difficult, for ex?ample having a mammal with bird or fish traits. Cross?ing Kingdom lines is impossible, so no plants with
shark teeth.
> Can they do this in reverse to make a bigger version?
Because I would love to watch the megacorps build a
Godzilla and just go for it.
> Slamm-0
> You honestly think Lofwyr would stand for that?
> Frosty
> What about the genemod that makes your skin green and
lets you photosynthesize? Isn’t that a plant ability on a
> Hard Exit
> Solus, the genemod that grants an individual limited
photosynthetic capabilities, was derived from studying
the genetics of certain individuals who had undergone
SURGE and the elven metavariant Xapiri Thëpë. We don’t
understand how it works, but we know which section of
DNA can be copied to make it work. It isn’t publicized, but
more than a few genemods were discovered this way and
are as much of a mystery.
> Changelings can make a good bit of spare nuyen
volunteering for clinical studies, but rumors of individuals
who exhibit rare metagenetics disappearing keep
volunteers away.
> The Smiling Bandit
One thing to remember with chimerics is that func?tion is always a lot more complex than form. It is rela?tively easy to make a horse with wings, but making one
that can fly is impossible without changing so many oth?er characteristics that it is barely recognizable as having
once been a horse. Yes, pegasi exist, but they are able
to fly like they do through magic, not biology. So far, as
with metahumans, magical ability cannot be duplicated
through genetic modification.
> Discovering the method to manifest or manipulate the
so-called “Magus Factor” remains the highest priority
for genetic research. Whoever had meaningful research
toward that end could write their own check.
> And whoever held the key to making it happen would rule
the world.
> The Smiling Bandit
> Some matters of spirit cannot be quantified by science.
> Man-of-Many-Names> Actually, there’s a juicy little theory floating making the
rounds right now that magic doesn’t manifest due to
the presence of any single gene, but a precise balance of
circumstances in an individual, unlocking the potential
which would exist in all of us. Of course, the variables
are damn near infinite, so proving it would be next to
> Lyran
> You underestimate the resources of the megacorps, I fear.
> Beaker
劇透 -   :
But wait, it gets better. Remember a minute ago when
I mentioned tradeoffs? A lot of those may seem obvious,
but it’s almost impossible to avoid them happening in
some fashion. There is no perfect chimera. Recombining
genes between two or more creatures has a number of
difficulties, but the most insurmountable is that one indi?vidual gene can code for multiple traits, so controlling the
outcome can be tricky. Desired changes often lead to un?intended secondary changes. A frog modified to secrete
mammalian hormones may spontaneously sprout fur. A
bear modified to have scaly reptilian armor may have its
metabolic processes affected making it cold blooded. The
law of unintended consequence is in full effect here. Chi?merics are always sterile, if not directly from the genetic
manipulation, then from the corp protecting themselves
from unlicensed duplication of intellectual property.

劇透 -   :
Chimeric modification, or series of modifications, rep?resents the core of what makes a chimeric creature
what it is. The creature is given abilities beyond what its
species normally possesses. These new abilities almost
always include a noticeable change in the physiology
and behavior of the creature, such as unusual patches
of fur or scales, a change in the appearance of the eyes,
or behaviors alien to the native species but common in
the genetically grafted species.
Unless specifically mentioned, a modification cannot
be chosen more than once. All abilities are considered
mundane critter powers and do not require the critter
to be Awakened to function. Costs for chimerics are tri?ple the base creature cost plus twenty-five percent for
each type of genetic modification and fifty percent for
each chimeric ability. These costs presume that a via?ble sample has already been produced. The research
and development of an untested new chimeric is much
higher. A chimeric critter can only possess up to six chi?meric modifications. After that, their genetic structure
becomes too unstable, and the genetic blueprint will fail
to generate a viable embryo. There are rumors of delta
gene clinics that can exceed this limit, but this informa?tion cannot be verified.
全方位视野All-Around Sight:无论是像变色龙一样有独立运动的眼睛,还是像昆虫一样有多个复合眼睛,动物都能看到所有方向。这种生物总是通过侦察检定来对抗突袭。
劇透 -   :
All-Around Sight: Whether from having inde?pendently moving eyes like a chameleon or multiple
composite eyes like an insect, the critter can see in all
directions at once. The critter always gets a Perception
test to detect a surprise attack.
水生适应Aquatic Adaptation:这一系列特征在不同的动物身上的表现有所不同,从眼睛上的覆膜到蹼状的手指到扁平的尾巴,但不论是什么特征,好处都是一样的,这种生物的视觉检定受水下能见度调整(p. 157, Run & Gun) ,就像戴着护目镜或者面具一样。在游泳检定中获得+2加值,并且闭气时间是普通生物的两倍(基础闭气时间翻倍,净成功奖励时间翻倍)
劇透 -   :
Aquatic Adaptation: This set of traits varies be?tween critters from nictitating membranes over the eye
to webbed digits to a flattened tail, but in all cases the
benefit is the same. The critter uses the underwater visi?bility modifiers (p. 157, Run & Gun) as if he were wearing
goggles or a mask, gains a +2 to Swimming tests, and
may hold its breath for twice as long (p.137, SR5, doubles
base time and time gained on net successes of test).
属性增强Attribute Enhancement:这种生物被调整成增强某些属性,使其更强壮、更快或更聪明。增加一个属性50%,向上取整。将属性增强应用于数值为0的属性会将其增加到1。可以多次选择此基因调整,但一个属性只能选择一次。
劇透 -   :
Attribute Enhancement: The critter has been en?gineered to enhance certain traits, making the creature
stronger, faster, or smarter. Increase one attribute by fifty
percent, rounded up. Applying Attribute Enhancement to
an attribute of 0 increases it to 1. This modification can be
selected more than once, but not for the same attribute.
平衡尾巴Balance Tail:大多数生物的尾巴只能用来赶苍蝇或发出代表某种感情的信号,但有平衡尾巴的生物在所有平衡、攀岩、体操、自由落体或跳跃相关检定中都会获得+1加值。
劇透 -   :
Balance Tail: Most critters use their tail to swat flies
or signal moods, but critters with a balance tail receive a
+1 dice pool modifier for all Balance, Climbing, Gymnas?tics, Free-Fall, or Jumping-related tests.
劇透 -   :
Bioluminescence: The critter has specialized dermal
cells that produce an enzyme that produces light. This
light counts as Dim Light (p. 175, SR5) for the creature
and those immediately adjacent to it. However, it also
makes the creature much easier to spot, giving oppo?nents a +3 on Perception tests to see it.
生物毒素改造Biotoxin Alteration:这种基因调整改变了生物原本的毒腺,让其能产生完全不同的毒素,这种调整可以让奇美拉的毒素在化学性质,喷洒方式,扩散形式等方面完全不同于其主体生物的毒素。具有毒素改造的奇美拉生物有着饮食需求(定制营养)的弱点。
·蚁酸Formic Acid:从多种类的蚂蚁身上提取,这种动物能产生强大的蚁酸。媒介方式:接触,起效速度:1战斗轮,穿透性:0,强度4,效果:物理伤害。无论物理伤害是否被抵抗,任何被喷雾击中的护甲每战斗轮失去1点护甲等级,知道失去的总护甲等级数值与蚁酸的强度相当。用大量水或高碱性溶液冲洗酸液可以防止这种损害。
·迷幻药Hallucinogen:媒介方式:吸入,起效速度:1战斗轮,穿透性:0,强度:6,效果:幻觉。一个产生幻觉的目标看到的是能引起各种情绪反应的幻觉。掷1d6确定幻觉的效果,然后查阅幻觉结果表。   受影响者全心全意地陷入幻觉情绪之中,并以与情绪一致的方式进行活动。与幻觉情绪相反的行为需要意志检定(2)。例如,被狂怒影响的受试者战斗时不会受到惩罚,而如果受试者试图交涉,则会说不出什么漂亮话。






劇透 -   :
Biotoxin Alteration: This genetic alteration modifies
the normal toxin producing glands in a critter, causing
them to produce a different toxin entirely. This trait can
modify the Scent Spray and Venom chimeric traits as
well as any similar natural toxins possessed by the base
creature. Chimeric critters with the Biotoxin Alteration
always have the Dietary Requirement (Tailored Nutri?tion) weakness.
• Anesthetic: Vector: Inhalation, Speed: 1 Com?bat Turn, Penetration: 0, Power: 6, Effects: Stun
• Formic Acid: Derived from certain species of
ants, the critter can produce a powerful acid.
Vector: Contact, Speed: 1 Combat Turn, Pen?etration: 0, Power 4, Effects: Physical Damage.
Whether the physical damage is resisted or not,
any armor struck by the spray loses 1 point of
Armor Rating per Combat turn for a number of
turns equal to the Power of the acid. This dam?age can be prevented by washing off the acid
with a large quantity of water or with a highly
basic solution.
• Hallucinogen: Vector: Inhalation, Speed: 1 Com?bat Turn, Penetration: 0, Power: 6, Effects: Hal?lucination. A hallucinating target sees figments
that can elicit various emotional reactions. Roll
1D6 to determine the effect of the hallucination,
then consult the Hallucination Result table.The subject feels the emotion wholehearted?ly, and it affects their physical performance in a
manner consistent with the emotion. Conduct?ing actions opposed to the emotion requires a
Willpower (2) test. For example, subjects feeling
rage engaging in combat suffer no penalties,
whereas if the subject were attempting negotia?tions the negative modifier would applyHALLUCINATION RESULTS
1 Fear Affected character flees from
the area.
2 Fascination
Affected character ignores
all other stimuli to stare at the
3 Love
Affected character makes
amorous advances at a nearby
4 Despair Affected character attempts to
5 Depression Affected character takes a –2 to
all actions.
6 Rage
Affected character attacks
random nearby target, friendly
or not.
• Nauseating: Vector: Inhalation, Speed: 1 Com?bat Turn, Penetration: 0, Power: 6, Effects: Nau?sea (p. 409, SR5).
劇透 -   :
Camouflage: Whether it is fur, feathers, or scales,
the creature’s coloration lends itself to concealment in
a particular environment. The critter receives a +1 dice
pool modifier for Sneaking Tests in any condition with
decreased light levels and in environments appropriate
to the pattern (stripes in tall grass, spots in a forest or
jungle, etc.).
迅捷Celerity:该种生物是为了快速移动设计的,下肢强健有力,这种生物的行走和奔跑速度的乘数+1,每个战斗轮的冲刺距离+1米。(移动, p. 161, SR5).
劇透 -   :
Celerity: The critter’s body is made for speed, with
long powerful legs. The critter increases its Walking and
Running multipliers by 1 and also adds +1m/ turn to her
Sprint Increase (see Movement, p. 161, SR5).
气候适应Climate Adaptation:生物的新陈代谢、皮肤组织和调节周期足以适应极端的高温或高寒气候,使生物更容易适应高温或高寒环境。这个特质使生物处于所选环境中时获得+2骰池调整在生存检定 (p. 136, SR5) 与疲劳伤害检定上,处于未选环境中时则获得-2骰池调整在生存检定与疲劳伤害检定上。选择这个特质时,要指定一个极端环境。
劇透 -   :
Climate Adaptation: The critter’s metabolic pro?cesses, skin tissue, and regulation cycles are adapted
to extreme heat or cold climates, enabling the critter
to adjust more easily to hot or cold temperatures. This
quality grants a +2 dice pool modifier for Survival Tests
(p. 136, SR5) and resisting fatigue damage (see p. 172,
SR5) from their chosen environment and a –2 dice pool modifier from the other. Choose a climate when select?ing this trait
防御分泌物Defensive Secretion:当受到惊吓或威胁时,这种动物的真皮细胞会让它分泌出一种防御液体,类似于一些青蛙和昆虫的防御分泌物。这些分泌物虽然无毒,但要么是酸性的,接触后会产生灼热感,要么会引起其他的皮肤不良反应。一旦有人用裸露的皮肤接触到这些动物的裸露皮肤,在接下来的24小时内,他的所有检定获得-1调整,或者直到得到一次成功的护理治疗:医学+逻辑(2)。如果受分泌物影响的个体对奇美拉的主体生物过敏,则所有检定获得-2调整。
劇透 -   :
Defensive Secretion: The critter’s dermal cells allow it
to exude a defensive liquid when agitated or endangered,
similar to the defensive secretions of some frogs and in?sects. Though not poisonous, these secretions are either
acidic, creating a burning sensation upon touch, or cause
other adverse skin reactions. As soon as someone touches
the bare skin of the agitated critter with unprotected skin,
they suffer a –1 dice pool modifier for all tests made within
the next twenty-four hours or until treated with a success?ful Medicine + Logic [Mental] (2) Test. If an individual af?fected by the secretion is allergic to the base critter of the
chimeric, increase the modifier to –2.
变色Dynamic Coloration:这种动物的皮肤只有在长时间(1分钟)暴露在自身颜色与环境颜色具有强烈反差的环境下才会改变颜色,它能保持变色长达四小时。如果它周边环境的颜色再度发生变化,它会在十分钟内褪色至原本的颜色。在变色状态下,只要该生物不动,察觉这个动物的检定的阈值获得+2调整。
劇透 -   :
Dynamic Coloration: The critter’s skin changes color
only when exposed for a prolonged time (1 minute) to
a background with sharp contrasts, like colorful patterns,
and it retains the new color for up to four hours total. If the
background around it changes, the color fades and the
creature’s coloration returns to normal within ten minutes.
While the camouflage is in effect, increase the threshold
to see the critter by 2, as long as it is standing still.
劇透 -   :
Echolocation: Changes in the ear, vocal chords, and
spatial-auditory portions of the brain enable the critter
to visualize its surroundings by sending and receiving
sonic pulses. The critter suffers no Visibility modifiers
to Perception tests regardless of light conditions, even
complete darkness (p. 175, SR5). The only limitations are
that solid objects like glass or concrete block the sense
and the range is limited to twenty meters in air and two
hundred meters in water.
生物电Electrocytes:来源于对电鳗的研究,这种调整制造了许多能够产生电流的特殊细胞。这些生物电细胞允许动物通过一次成功的接触攻击(p. 187, SR5)来造成电击伤害,其属性为DV(攻击者的体质)S(e),AP-6
劇透 -   :
Electrocytes: Derived from the electric eel, this modification generates stacks of specialized cells capable of
generating electrical potential. These electrocytes allow
the critter to deliver an electrical attack with a successful
touch-only melee attack (p. 187, SR5). This attack has a
DV (Bod)S(e), AP –6.
感官增强(微光视觉、热感视觉)Enhanced Sense (Low Light Vision, Thermographic
劇透 -   :
Enhanced Sense (Low Light Vision, Thermographic
Vision): These senses function the same for the critter as
a metahuman with the equivalent sense.
感官增强(嗅觉)Enhanced Sense (Scent):最好的猎犬能在人群中嗅出指定个体的气味。这个特性给予生物+2骰池调整和+1检定上限在使用嗅觉的侦察检定与跟踪检定上。
劇透 -   :
Enhanced Sense (Scent): The best bloodhound can
pick up the scent of a single individual within a crowd
of people. This trait gives a +2 dice pool modifier and
+1 limit to tests made using scent-based Perception and
scent-based Tracking tests.
感官增强(听觉频谱扩大)Enhanced Sense (Broadened Auditory Spectrum):具有这一特质的动物可以听到超声波、高频声音(包括超声波发生器)或次声、低频声音(包括赛博设备运转发出的次声波)。 这种能力允许生物通过侦察检定以检测更宽频率范围内的声音,并获得+1检定上限在应用听觉的侦察检定上。由于·这种能力无法关闭,生物可能会被旁人听不到的声音影响而分心,或者因过于灵敏的听觉而导致耳聋。这种改造会让外耳发生细微但肉眼可见的变化。
劇透 -   :
Enhanced Sense (Broadened Auditory Spectrum):
A critter with this trait can hear ultrasonic, high-frequency sound (including ultrasound emitters) or infrasonic,
low-frequency sound (including Infrasonic Generator
cyberware). This ability allows the critter to make a Perception test to detect communication or sounds within
a wider band of frequencies and adds +1 to the limit of
Perception tests involving sound. As this kind of hearing
can be considered always on, noises inaudible to others
may sometimes distract or deafen the critter. This quality
results in minor visible changes to the size and structure
of the outer ear.
额外的头Extra Head:唯一一个可复制的,成功的提取自超自然生物的基因改造,来自于科耳柏洛斯猎犬,这个改造为生物添加一个额外的头。这个改造最多可以被选择两次,让你得以创造出三头生物。每一个额外的头使生物的物理CM+1,并且获得+1调整在侦察检定上。如果主体生物拥有基于头部的天生武器,比如叫角,撕咬,獠牙,额外的头也会拥有这一能力。那些拥有额外的头的生物可以在一个头被切断后继续工作,只要它有至少一个头还存在,并且所受的伤害不足以让它失去工作能力。多头奇美拉更容易被分散注意力。
劇透 -   :
Extra Head: The only repeatedly successful genetic
extraction from a paracritter, the Cerberus hound, this
trait adds an additional head to the critter. This trait can
be selected twice for a maximum of three heads on a
critter. Each additional head adds 1 box to the Physical Condition Monitor and +1 to Perception tests. If
the base critter possesses a natural attack originating
from the head such as horns, tusks, or a bite, additional
heads gain this trait as well. The critter with more than
one head can continue to function if a head is severed
as long as at least one head remains and the damage did
not incapacitate the critter. Multi-headed chimerics tend
to be easily distractable.
青蛙舌Frog Tongue:这种生物有着一个又长又黏的舌头,类似于青蛙或者变色龙,可以像弹簧一样被肌肉压实并弹射出去。当攻击时,它向外弹出攻击目标,然后缩回。虽然灵巧不足以操纵工具,但它足够强壮,可以抓住物体,前提是物体的重量小于生物的力量x 100克。由于舌头分泌的粘液,物体会粘在舌头上,直到被人工取出。如果该生物还拥有基于咬伤为媒介的毒液(p. 401, SR5),该生物还可以使用异种近战武器(青蛙舌)通过一次成功的接触攻击来使毒液生效,该生物免费获得一级的异种近战武器(青蛙舌)技能。
劇透 -   :
Frog Tongue: The critter possesses a long adhesive
tongue similar to a frog or chameleon, which can be extended in a spring-loaded fashion by a muscular trigger.
When triggered, it shoots outward to strike at a target
and then retracts. Though not prehensile enough to manipulate a tool, the tongue is strong enough to snatch
an object, provided the object’s weight is less than the
critter’s Strength x 100 grams. Because of the tongue’s
sticky secretions, the object will stick to the tongue until manually removed. If the critter also possesses the
Venom associated with its bite (p. 401, SR5) the tongue
can be used to apply the substance with a successful
touch-only melee attack (p. 187, SR5) using the Exotic
Melee Weapon (Frog Tongue) skill of which the critter
gains 1 rank for free.
劇透 -   :
Gills: A critter with gills is capable of extracting oxygen from water, allowing them to stay submerged
indefinitely. This adaptation, most commonly added
to chimerics whose base creature has lungs, is usually
adapted from lungfish genetics, and allows the creature
to stay out of the water indefinitely without suffering
from any ill effects due to their gills.
劇透 -   :
Gliding: The critter has flaps of skin, semi-functional wings, or some other feature that allows it to glide
short distances. Creatures with the Gliding ability start
with one rank in the Free-Fall skill. This can be further
increased using the Skill Enhancement trait. Critters use
Agility instead of Body when using the Free-Fall skill to
glide, because it is more about the fine motor reflexes
than pure physicality. A gliding critter can avoid falling damage from any distance with a Free-Fall + Agility
[Physical] (2) Success test. While falling, they can choose
to travel up to twice the distance horizontally that they
fall vertically. In one Combat Turn, a gliding critter falls
ten meters and can move up to twenty meters horizontally. They must always be moving from a high point to a
lower point—no gliding up!
喷墨Ink Extrusion:那些被设计出来使目标致盲的生物会挤出一种黑色粘性物质,对所有应用视觉的侦察检定造成罚值调整,罚值的数值等同于生物的体质。墨水会永久性地污染大多数有孔物品和衣物。当在水下使用时,墨水会扩散到一个面积达几米的地方,这个面积等于生物的体质。喷射墨汁时,生物使用异种远程武器(墨汁)+敏捷作为攻击检定,射程为(体质)米。
劇透 -   :
Ink Extrusion: Designed to blind a target, the creature extrudes a dark viscous substance that applies a
penalty to all Perception (Visual) tests equal to the Body
of the creature extruding it. The ink permanently stains
most porous items and clothing. When used under water, the ink spreads in an area covering a number of meters equal to the critter’s Body. To strike an intended target, the critter rolls a ranged attack using Exotic Ranged
Weapon + Agility with a range of (Body) meters.
磁场感应Magnetoception:这种适应性改造允许生物感知附近磁场的变化。这是通过提高鼻部筛骨中的铁含量和连接到改良的嗅球和嗅皮层的特殊神经通路来实现的。具有这种品质的生物可以字面意义上的嗅出磁场的存在、方向和强度,例如由电子设备、电源或磁异常探测器产生的磁场。该生物还具有无误地定位磁北的能力,为导航检定提供+2骰池调整。该生物能以侦察+直觉检定对抗物品抗性(p. 293, SR5)来搜索五米范围内的生磁物体。
劇透 -   :
Magnetoception: This adaptation allows a critter to sense changes in nearby magnetic fields. This is
accomplished by an elevated level of magnetite in the
ethmoid bone of the nose and specialized neural pathways linking to a modified olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex. Critters with this quality can literally sniff out
the presence, direction, and intensity of magnetic fields,
such as those generated by electronics, power supplies,
or magnetic anomaly detectors. The critter also has an
unerring ability to locate magnetic north, providing a +2
dice pool bonus to Navigation tests. The critter makes
a Perception + Intuition [Mental] v. Object Resistance
(p. 293, SR5) Test to detect these emanations within a
range of five meters.
天生武器Natural Weapon:这种改造从一种动物身上提取出最危险的部分,然后把它安在另一种动物身上。当然,后者必须具备适应自然武器的身体特征。例如,你不能把爪子安在一条蛇身上。要对自然抱有尊重。还有物理学。查阅天生武器表,查看可用选项。
武器     DV           AP   触及
撕咬   力量+2   -2     -1
爪子   力量+1   -1     ——
角      力量+2   -1     ——
尾巴   力量+3   ——     1
獠牙   力量+2   ——    ——
劇透 -   :
Natural Weapon: This trait takes the most dangerous
bits from one animal and puts it on another. The animal
must, of course, have the physical features to accommodate the natural weapon. For example, you can’t engineer a snake with claws—show some respect for nature.
And physics. Consult the Natural Weapons table to see
the available options.

Bite Str +2 –2 –1
Claws Str+1 –1 —
Horns Str+2 –1 —
Tail Str+3 — 1
Tusk Str+2 — —
劇透 -   :
Proboscis: The critter possesses a prehensile nose
similar to an elephant’s trunk. It can be used for small
manipulations or even a blunt punch using the Exotic Melee Weapon (Trunk) skill (DV (STR – 1)P, Reach —,
AP +1). Apply a –2 dice pool modifier to any attempt to
manipulate an object with the trunk. It has an effective
Strength equal to the critter’s Strength. Trunks do not
provide an extra attack.
强效毒液Potent Venom:这种改造增强了生物产生天然毒素的能力。增加生物毒液50%的强度,向上取整。这种改造对没有天然毒素的生物没有影响。
劇透 -   :
Potent Venom: This modification enhances the creature’s ability to produce a natural toxin. Increase the
Power of the critter’s venom by fifty percent, rounded
up. This modification has no effect on a creature without
a natural toxin.
劇透 -   :
Quills: These modified hairs are coated with thick keratin plates that resemble porcupine quills, interspersed with
bristles, under fur and hair. Quills are two to four centimeters long, sharp as needles, and detach easily when used
in close combat. Quills are used as a defensive mechanism
to hold off attackers. If the critter is successfully grappled
in close combat (see Subduing, p. 195, SR5), the attacker makes a Damage Resistance Test against a DV of (STR + 1)
P, AP +1, using the higher Strength attribute of the grappling pair. Quills can be wielded in melee combat using the
Exotic Melee Weapon (Quills) skill, with the following stats:
DV (STR + 1)P, Reach —, AP +1.
恶臭喷雾Scent Spray:这种动物有气味腺体,能产生类似臭鼬喷剂的恶臭。气味腺可以使用异种远程武器(气味腺)技能进行一个触摸攻击(p.187,SR5)喷一个(体质)米内的单一目标一身恶臭。被喷雾击中的目标可能会感到恶心(p.409,SR5)。暴露在空气中两分钟后,喷雾就转为惰性气体。普通护甲不能提供防护,但是化学抵抗和其他的强化可以。即使在最好的时候,这个生物也谈不上好闻。对于此生物的基于嗅觉的追踪检定获得+2骰池调整。
媒介方式:吸入 起效速度:即时生效 穿透性:–2 强度:6 效果:恶心
劇透 -   :
Scent Spray: The critter possesses scent glands that
produce a foul odor similar to skunk spray. The scent
gland can be used to make a ranged attack using the Exotic Ranged Weapon (Scent Gland) skill as a touch-only ranged attack (p. 187, SR5) to spray a single target
within (Body) meters with a stinking mist. Targets struck
the by the spray may experience Nausea (p. 409, SR5).
The spray becomes inert after two minutes of exposure
to the air. Normal armor offers no protection, though
Chemical Resistance and other similar upgrades do. At
the best of times, the critter smells pungent, imparting a
+2 dice pool modifier to locate the critter by scent.
• Vector: Inhalation
• Speed: Immediate
• Penetration: –2
• Power: 6
• Effect: Nausea
技能增强Skill Enhancement:这种改造强化了生物的某些行为本能。使生物的一项天生技能提高2点。此改造可以多次选择,但不能为同一技能选择。此改造只能为生物天生拥有的技能选择。教动物一项新技能只能用训练规则来完成
劇透 -   :
Skill Enhancement: This modification reinforces certain behavioral instincts in the creature. Increase one
natural skill of the critter by 2. This modification can be
selected more than once, but not for the same skill. This
modification can only be selected for a skill the critter
already possesses. Teaching a critter a new skill can only
be done using the Training rules.
强健Sturdiness: 这一改造添加了一些微妙的基因调整,主要是爬行动物的基因,以改善奇美拉的身材和强壮性。此改造将生物的物理极限提高1。此外,如果生物有脆弱能力,其等级减少1。
劇透 -   :
Sturdiness: This modification adds several subtle genetic tweaks of mostly reptilian genes that improve the
physical stature and robustness of the chimera. Increase
the critter’s Physical Limit by 1. In addition, if the critter
has the Fragile weakness, reduce it by 1.
劇透 -   :
Thermosense: Like a snake, the critter possesses infrared-sensitive receptors next to their olfactory organs that
allow them to sense radiated heat. This quality allows the
critter to make a non-visual Perception test to detect anything that produces heat (bodies, electronics, etc.) within ten
meters. Thresholds and modifiers can be adjusted for factors such as warm environments, lower heat outputs (such
as friction or decomposition), or heat pollution (too many
sources, thermal smoke, etc.). Hits on the test give information on distance, movement, heat output, and location.
The sense is not fooled by Invisibility or Silence spells. When
using thermal sensitivity in combat, the sense reduces the
Visibility and Light/ Glare modifiers by one level.
厚皮Thicker Hide:这个改造使生物拥有更硬的鳞片,更厚的毛皮,或更坚韧的皮肤。生物的天生护甲增加50%,向上取整。没有天生护甲的生物被授予3的天生护甲或者等于体质的天生护甲,取两者中的较低者。此修改不能用于增强生物的硬化护甲能力。
劇透 -   :
Thicker Hide: This modification produces a critter
with heavier scales, thicker fur, or tougher skin. Increase
the critter’s natural Armor by fifty percent, rounded up.
Critters without a natural armor are instead granted a
natural Armor of 3 or their Body, whichever is lower. This
modification cannot be used to enhance creatures with
Hardened Armor.
 媒介方式:注入 起效速度:1战斗轮 穿透性:0 强度:6 效果:物理伤害
劇透 -   :
Venom: Venom is a potent trait that can make even
a small critter very dangerous. This trait adds the physiological structures required to generate a biological toxin and deliver it through a natural attack (chosen when
ability is selected).
Vector: Injection
Speed: 1 Combat Turn
Penetration: 0
Power: 6
Effect: Physical Damage
残翼Vestigial Wings:这一特性为不具备天生飞行能力的生物增加了蝙蝠状或鸟状的翅膀。因为缺乏适当的肌肉组织和飞行动物特有的轻量化身体组织,这些翅膀不足以进行真正的飞行。然而,它们并非没有好处。如果有残翼的生物碰巧坠落,在计算坠落伤害时,将坠落米数减少4米(p.172,SR5),并在跳跃检定中获得+2骰池调整(p.134-135,SR5)。
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Vestigial Wings: This trait adds either bat-like or
birdlike wings to a creature which does not naturally fly.
These wings are insufficient for true flight due to the lack
of appropriate musculature and low body weight found
in flying critters. They are not without benefit however.
If a creature with Vestigial Wings should happen to fall,
reduce the effective distance of a fall by four meters
when calculating the falling damage (p. 172, SR5), and
they receive a +2 dice pool modifier on jumping tests
(p. 134-135, SR5).
爬墙Wall Climbing:这种基于壁虎和蜘蛛基因的改造允许生物沿着垂直表面移动。具有这种改造的动物在攀爬时视为辅助攀爬(p.134,SR5)。四条腿或四条腿以上,体质不超过三的动物甚至能够在水平面(如天花板)上倒着爬。
劇透 -   :
Wall Climbing: Based on gecko and spider genetics,
this modification allows the critter to move along vertical surfaces. Critters with this trait always use assisted
climbing rates (p. 134, SR5). Critters with four or more
legs and a Body of 3 or less are even capable of climbing
inverted on horizontal surfaces such as ceilings.
蛛网喷射Web Extrusion:这种生物有一个腺体,用来制造蜘蛛丝,还有一个喷口用来编织并喷吐蜘蛛丝。蜘蛛丝对于制造它的生物来说是非常坚固的。它能承受相当于制造者两倍的重量。蜘蛛丝织成的网很难看到,在察觉它的侦察检定中使用-2调整。蛛网能够把一个体重小于等于制造者的受害者缠裹起来。该生物也可以通过蛛丝进行绳降,使用自由落体技能,使自己从高处降落。
劇透 -   :
Web Extrusion: The critter has a natural gland for
producing spider silk and the spinnerets to weave it. The
spider silk is very strong relative to the creature that produced it. It can hold up to twice the weight of the creature that spins it. A web spun of spider silk is difficult to
see, applying a –2 modifier to Perception tests to notice
it. The web is capable of entangling a victim with a Body
equal to or less than the Body of the creature that spun
it. The critter can also use the webbing in conjunction
with the Free-Fall skill to lower themselves from an elevated position.
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
6   5   3   5   2   5   4   3   3   6.0
主动性   7+1D6
移动力   ×3/×8+2游泳时
CM   11/9
界限   肉体7,精神6,社交5
护甲   0
技能   脱逃5,异种远程武器(墨汁)1,侦察4,游泳5,徒手格斗4
能力   属性强化(体质),生物电(DV(体质)S(e),AP-6,触及+3),鳃,天生武器(撕咬:DV力量+2P),分泌/喷射物质(墨汁)
弱点   不稳定生理
注释   常见的特技包括:探测(爆炸物),归家,巡逻,触发训练(超声波),生物电的+3触及是因为泰瑟乌贼长长的触须上长满了点细胞。
劇透 -   :
Taser Squid: A chimeric hybrid of a Humboldt squid
and an electric eel, these critters were created to defend
underwater facilities. Their natural pack-hunting behavior makes them extremely deadly. They are generally
trained to respond to sonic cues to swarm and attack
any submersibles or divers intruding on their territory.
A different sonic cue will pacify them allowing safe passage through their territory.
6 5 3 5 2 5 4 3 3 6.0
Initiative 7 + 1D6
Movement x3/x8/+2 swimming
Condition Monitor 11/9
Limits Physical 7, Mental 6, Social 5
Armor 0
Skills Escape Artist 5, Exotic Ranged Weapon (Ink) 1,
Perception 4, Swimming 5, Unarmed Combat 4
Powers Attribute Enhancement (Body), Electrocytes (DV
(Bod)S(e), AP –6, Reach +3), Gills, Natural Attack
(Bite DV(STR + 2)P), Substance Extrusion (Ink)
Weaknesses Precarious Physiology
Note Common tricks include Detect (Explosives), Homing,
Patrol, Trigger Training (Ultrasonic). The +3 Reach
of the electrical attack is due to the Electrocytes
located along the squid’s long tentacles.
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
2   5   3   2   3   3   2   2   3   6.0
主动性   5+1D6
移动力   ×2/×6+4
CM   8/10
界限   肉体4,精神4,社交5
护甲   0
技能   攀爬3,自由落体3,潜行2,侦察2,追踪3,徒手格斗3
能力   属性强化(敏捷),平衡尾巴,感官增强(低光视觉),滑翔,技能增强(自由落体),强健
弱点   脆弱(1),不稳定生理
注释   常见的特技包括:攻击,巡逻
劇透 -   :
Sugar Cat: A hybrid chimeric based off of a house cat
combined with sugar glider DNA, the sugar cat has been
genetically modified to have the loose flaps of skin and
flexible joints of a sugar glider, allowing it to stretch out
its legs to extend the loose flaps of skin and fly.
2 5 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 6.0
Initiative 5 + 1D6
Movement x2/x6/+4
Condition Monitor 8/10
Limits Physical 4, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor 0
Skills Climbing 3, Free Fall 3, Sneaking 2, Perception 3,
Tracking 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Powers Attribute Enhancement (Agility), Balance Tail,
Enhanced Senses (Low Light), Gliding, Skill
Enhancement (Free-Fall), Sturdiness
Weaknesses Fragile 1, Precarious Physiology
Note Common tricks include Attack, Patrol
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
1   3   2   1   1   1   1   1   3   6.0
主动性   3+2D6
移动力   ×2/×6+4
CM   7/9
界限   肉体3,精神2,社交3
护甲   0
技能   异种远程武器(致幻剂喷射)3,体操3,侦察3,潜行3,徒手格斗2
能力   属性强化(力量),生物毒素改造:迷幻药,感官增强(听觉频谱扩大),感官增强(气味),完形意识,天生武器(撕咬:DV力量+1P,AP——,触及-1),恶臭喷雾,异种远程武器(致幻剂喷射),强健
弱点   不稳定生理
注释   常见的特技包括:攻击,归家,巡逻,触发训练,喷射水豚的基本身体大小和能力相当于老鼠。
劇透 -   :
Spray Cap: Base on the largest member of the rodent
family, the capybara, the spray cap is normally placid and
quite calm around humans. They are trained to respond
to an ultrasonic signal to take a defensive posture and
use their hallucinogenic spray attack liberally.
1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 6.0
Initiative 3 + 2D6
Movement x2/x6/+4
Condition Monitor 7/9
Limits Physical 3, Mental 2, Social 3
Armor 0
Skills Exotic Ranged Attack (Hallucinogenic Spray) 3,
Gymnastics 3, Perception 3, Sneaking 3, Unarmed
Combat 2
Powers Attribute Enhancement (Strength), Biotoxin Alteration
(Hallucinogen), Enhanced Sense (Broadened
Auditory Spectrum), Enhanced Sense (Smell), Gestalt
Consciousness, Natural Weapon (Bite: DV (STR+1)
P, AP —, –1 reach), Scent Spray, Skill Enhancement
(Exotic Ranged Attack [Hallucinogenic Spray]),
Weaknesses Dietary Requirement (Tailored Nutrition), Fragile 2,
Precarious Physiology
Note Common tricks include Attack and Trigger Training.
The spray cap uses the base stats of a rat.

劇透 -   :
What was once once done through laborious breeding and
culling over generations can be performed quickly through
advanced genetic manipulation. Warforms are the height
of genetic engineering, creatures that are superior to their
natural counterparts in every way. Unlike chimerics, theirDNA is only derived from their own species, but with the
most desirable traits selected and weaknesses removed.
>The Smiling Bandit
劇透 -   :
> Holy shit. Why even bother with chimerics?
> Snopes
> Two reasons. First, it’s a lot cheaper and faster to keep using
patterns that have already been established. Chimerics
were the first steps along this path before critters-fromscratch were technologically possible. Genetic design is
hardly as real-time as they make it out to be. You don’t
just select the traits you want and “poof” out comes a
ready-made masterpiece of biology. It takes months, even
years of careful balancing to create a workable creature,
to say nothing of one that can actually outperform what
evolution has produced. That’s months and years they still
have to make products, so they keep on churning out the
stuff that works.
The second reason, and what keeps new chimerics
being made, is that you can find some amazing patterns
and combinations just through the raw experimentation
phase, and if something works, a corp will sell it. Chimeric
manipulation isn’t just about designing the perfect pet or
guard animal, it’s also about discovering interactions so
you can use that data later in a warform or even in bio
and geneware. Sometimes you can find new traits you
weren’t even looking for.
> The Smiling Bandit
> And for every one of those “successes,” there’s a million
twisted abominations, writhing in cages, their whole lives
pain. You’ve never raided a containment lab. You’ve never
smelled the stink or heard the cries of those tortured lives.
Nothing could be worth that kind of evil.
> Ecotope
> Cry me a fucking river.
> Clockwork
劇透 -   :
Warforms began as a result of medical research in
the development of bioware, cyberware, and geneware.
The research naturally was tested on animals before it
was tested on humans (in most cases), and it quickly became evident that the test animals had value in their own
right. Often, their deployment also served as a field-test
phase. Owners know they have a prototype when the
corp offers a discount or free vet service if the corp can
keep them monitored.
>The Smiling Bandit
>Kat o’ Nine Tales
劇透 -   :
> Sometimes building the better mousetrap means building
a better cat.
> Man-of-Many-Names
> The corps aren’t shy about making sure you know they
built that cat. It has been standard practice since thetwentieth century for genetically engineered plants and
animals to have proprietary genetic markers inserted into
their DNA. In recent years they got creative and made
those markers express as skin or fur patterns that spell
out the corporate logo somewhere on the critter’s body.
> The Smiling Bandit
> Ugh. That’s so tacky.
> Kat o’ Nine Tales
劇透 -   :
Warforms are so-named because the majority of them are utilized in a combat theatre. While it may be
possible to make better pets and better food, in truth
there is little demand and even less cost-effectiveness.
Chimeric forms cover most of that territory just fine, and
the few efforts to make the perfect beef cow or a goose
that lays golden eggs are mostly pet projects that geneticists do on the side.
>The Smiling Bandit
>The Smiling Bandit
>Rigger X
劇透 -   :
> Again, indie lab biohackers are the main source of things
like this. The development time is awfully long, though,
without access to funds and equipment to make it happen.
> The Smiling Bandit
> You’ve got a lot of love for them, don’t you, Bandit?
> Red
> What’s not to love about rebel scientists in it for the pure
> The Smiling Bandit
> Oh, please.
> Sorry to contradict you, Lacey, but there are genetically
perfected food animals. My crew ran across some not
too long ago. Turns out they just aren’t for sale. Seems
Yakashima had it in their heads to make the genetically
perfect Kobe beef and dropped a great big pile of nuyen
into taking over the steak market. The twist? Food snobs
like their food to be from a long pedigree, all natural. The
idea of eating what amounted to cloned food reeked of
the standard to them, and Yakashima was left holding on
to about five thousand heads of the most perfect cows
you’ll ever see. Then they tried finding a way to just
take over the mid-range food market to cut costs. What
happens? KIT steps in and protests creating a so-called
“perfect cow” for religious reasons! And KIT has enough
clout in the Pan-Pacific to promise merry hell if they try
and sell them. They could destroy them, but that’s billions
of nuyen gone to waste. So right now the poor things are
sitting in a pasture (happy to sell the location—PM me),
waiting for Yakashima to come up with something to do
with them.
> Rigger X
劇透 -   :
After years of leading the pack (pun intended) with
numerous product demos and press releases, Parashield was the first to bring genetically engineered combat critters or “warforms” to market. It was perhaps too
soon for them, as the units were difficult to control and
suffered a host of health problems. The second generation of warforms was far more successful and was
released by a surprising source—Aztechnology, out of
their Nordina Biotech subsidiary. These new warforms
were based on a different philosophy than the first generation. The first generation was an attempt to turn an
animal into a drone, but in doing so they lost many of the
benefits of using a critter in the first place. The second
generation was engineered with bioware and genetic
augmentations holistically integrated into the critter’s
body. Cyberware was eschewed completely. The result
is an animal that is capable of independent thought yet
is trainable. They have far greater capabilities than their
natural brothers, but they still are able to heal naturally
from damage.
劇透 -   :
>So, basically, a warform is just a critter that has been
> Netcat
> Aptly put. But they can also be enhanced past the normal
range of the animal’s capabilities. This isn’t often done,
though, as the greatest appeal of a warform is its perfected
natural abilities, not augmented or supernatural ones.
劇透 -   :
The real potential of a warform has yet to be fully realized, of course. With the possibility of tinker-toy genetics, we may begin to see the first truly novel life forms,
created at the hand of mankind.
>The Smiling Bandit
>The Smiling Bandit
劇透 -   :
> Now listen to that again, but have a crash of lightning and
a maniacal laugh at the end.
> The Smiling Bandit
> It’s all hyperbole anyway. It’s highly unlikely that this kind
of technology will ever be possible. And if it is, we won’t
see it in our lifetimes.
> Coming from a doctor who could get lèonized whenever
she wants, that’s really saying something.
> The Smiling Bandit
劇透 -   :
The process is made possible by modifying the creature in vitro. The best of the best specimens go into
them, which are then augmented using pluripotent stem
cells to make any further modifications. Unlike metahumans, they won’t complain about their ’ware later in life.
Hell, they won’t complain at all. A chihuahua doesn’t
gripe that it isn’t as fast as a greyhound. It doesn’t even occur to them. So an alpha-grade mastiff doesn’t think
about having jaws that can crush bone. It’s always been
big. There’s no training curve. Even better, because of
the stock from which they derive, their enhanced intelligence and the lack of psychologically imbalancing
implants, these animals manifest the best domestic tendencies an animal can.
>我看了一些关于新一代作战型的生产数据,这些方法与Owains Bionatural在将非泛人类代码整合到泛人类DNA中以使安装殖装而不损失精华所做的研究惊人地相似。只是这次是相反的。我希望是我看错了。
>The Smiling Bandit
> Plan 9
> 没错!!!
> Snopes
>Plan 9
劇透 -   :
> It should be noted that all warforms sold are male,
supposedly due to their larger size and strength. I
think it is possible that there are females being kept for
experimentation with naturally reproducing warforms.
> Lacey
> I got a look at some production data on this new
generation, and the methodologies are strikingly similar
to the work Owains Bionatural was doing with integrating
non-metahuman code into metahuman DNA in order to
maintain biological integrity in spite of augmentations.
Only this time it is in reverse. I really hope I am wrong.
> The Smiling Bandit
> That might explain the story I heard of a team that jacked
an Azzie cargo truck only to find a lone poodle inside. They
locked it up in one chummer’s bedroom, and it was gone
the next time they checked. They looked at the surveillance
record and saw the dog open the door to the room, snag
a credstick from the kitchen counter, and walk out. The
decker snooped a GridGuide cam feed, and they saw the
poodle hopping on a drone bus. It bought a fraggin’ ticket!
> Plan 9
> Riiiiiight.
> Snopes
> I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss him … her? Training
warforms is almost a pure pleasure. They take direction
quickly, respond to praise very well, and exhibit fantastic
discipline. I say almost a pleasure because, well, frankly,
they can be unnerving. Imagine a pack of dogs who aren’t
sniffing at each other, distracted, scratching and licking
themselves. Just lined up and sitting at attention, staring
at you. I know warforms are essentially natural, but their
behavior can be decidedly unnatural.
> Lacey
> No need for binaries, dear. We simply are.
> Plan 9
劇透 -   :
Despite the seeming simplicity of the product, warform animals are quite expensive. As a pinnacle of what
an animal can be, they are literally as close to the perfect creature as you can imagine. Time saved in training
and the sheer effectiveness of their performance makes
them among the most desirable of security animals,even compared to augmented or paranatural versions.
If you face down a security version, you are facing the
scariest form of the natural animal you ever will. If it’s
a pack animal, you are in incredible danger. Integrate
equipment, and you’re looking at something much scarier than you imagine.
劇透 -   :
> There’s another hidden value in warforms: their genetic
material. They are made with the finest stock, so what’s
inside them can theoretically be reverse engineered. For
a bigger payday, though, you want to hit the labs where
they keep the genevaults. Row after row of embryos, stem
cells, you name it. You could get big bucks just grabbing
things at random, but if you do some research and know
what you’re looking for, you could sell a particular animal’s
full genetic spectrum, alpha-class stuff, and make a mint.
> Pistons
> I’m not sure I see what the big threat is. I mean, how is a
dog more dangerous than a hellhound?
> Riot
> A hellhound is dangerous, but it’s also harder to control
and train, no matter what Lacey or Rainbow tell you. It’s
got the instincts of a wild animal, and that doesn’t lend
itself to control very well. Warforms have the benefit of
discipline bone-deep, and that makes them smarter and
more disciplined. Fire may be dangerous, but a pack of
hyper-intelligent dogs with enhanced strength and speed
can run you down, nip at you from all angles, trip you, and
disarm you.
> Red
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
5   4   4   4   3   2   4   3   3   6.0
主动性   9+2D6
移动力   ×2/×8+4
CM   11/10
界限   肉体6,精神4,社交5
护甲   0(8如果穿着生物防弹衣)
技能   威吓4,侦察5(嗅觉侦察+2),奔跑5,追踪6,徒手格斗5
能力   驯化,感官增强(听觉,嗅觉)天生武器(撕咬:DV力量+3P,AP——)
殖装   骨密度增强2,突触加速
注释   常见的特技包括:攻击,护甲使用,贴身护卫,伴侣,探测(毒品),追踪。
劇透 -   :
Warforms are genesculpted and biologically modified in
vitro, so they are able to possess up to 1 Essence worth
of bioware and/or geneware without any impact to their
essence. Due to the comparative ease with which modified pluripotent stem cells can be used to integrate genetic modifications into a developing embryo, all geneware
added to a warforms has a twenty percent reduction in
price. The genetic stock they are created from represents
the best of their breed, so two attributes are increased by
1 over the base species. Warforms are so well adapted
to the bioware they possess, all bioware and geneware
Essence costs are reduced by ten percent. They always
have the Domesticated critter power even if the species
they are based on does not. Some of the models on the
market are included below. These are examples of some
of the most commonly used warforms. Their augmentations and known tricks can vary greatly depending on the
application for which they were created.
War Hound: These warform dogs are in use extensively with corporate security, border patrols, the mili-tary, and tactical response teams. They are fast, tough,
and loyal to their masters.
5 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 6.0
Initiative 9 + 2D6
Movement x2/x8/+4
Condition Monitor 11/10
Limits Physical 6, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor 0 (8 if wearing critter body armor)
Skills Intimidation 4, Perception 5 (Smell +2), Running 5,
Tracking 6, Unarmed Combat 5
Powers Domesticated, Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell),
Natural Weapon (Bite: DV(STR + 3)P, AP —)
Augmentations Bone Density R2, Synaptic Acceleration
Note Common tricks include Armor Use, Attack,
Bodyguarding, Companion, Detect (Drugs), Tracking
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
8   6   5   8   4   5(6)   4   4   3   6.0
主动性   7+1D6
移动力   ×2/×8+4
CM   13/10
界限   肉体10,精神6(7),社交6
护甲   0(5如果穿生物防弹衣)
技能   潜水3,体操7,侦察4,游泳5,徒手格斗3
能力   驯化,感官增强(声纳)
殖装   大脑增幅1,chameleon skin (dynamic), 神经滞留扩张, tailored critter pheromones 3,
注释   常见的特技包括:探测(爆炸物),归家,巡逻。
劇透 -   :
War Dolphin: One of the areas in which well-trained
critters and biodrones are used heavily is in underwater
operations. Conventional drones are heavily hampered
underwater due to their signal range being heavily reduced. Animals, on the other hand, can operate autonomously and be directed through sonic cues. Dolphins
and sea lions are both very popular as trained underwater units. Killer whales are sometimes used for similar
purposes, though their size makes their vat growth an
expensive undertaking, and they tend to have a vindictive streak when they are stressed.
Warform dolphins are the brightest of the bunch, so
much so that they are deemed sapient creatures in some
jurisdictions and legally have to be treated as employees
rather than property. They are capable of understanding
simple spoken language and concepts and can return
communication in kind. They are most commonly used
around undersea facilities for surveillance, explosive
detection, and security. These dolphins are also sometimes used for inspecting undersea pipelines and cables
for damage or breaks. They are also capable of leading
groups of wild dolphins in order to eject other critters and
paracritters from the area they are charged to protect.
8 6 5 8 4 5(6) 4 4 3 6.0
Initiative 7 + 1D6
Movement x2/x8/+4
Condition Monitor 13/10
Limits Physical 10, Mental 6(7), Social 6
Armor 0 (5 if wearing critter body armor)
Skills Diving 3, Gymnastics 7, Perception 4, Swimming 5,
Unarmed Combat 3
Powers Domesticated, Enhanced Senses (Sonar)
Augmentations Cerebral booster 1, chameleon skin (dynamic), neuroretention amplification, tailored critter pheromones 3,
vocal range expander
Note Common tricks include Detect (Explosives), Homing,
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
8   5   5   8(9)   4   3   3   4   2   6.0
主动性   8+1D6
移动力   ×3/×10+6
CM   13/10
界限   肉体10(11),精神5,社交6
护甲   0(12如果穿着生物防弹衣)
技能   奔跑6(7),徒手格斗1
能力   驯化,天生武器(踹:DV(力量+1)P,AP——,触及-1)
殖装   骨密度增强1,肌肉增强1,Neo-EPO
注释   常见的特技包括:护甲使用,坐骑。
劇透 -   :
War Horse: These warforms are bred to be tough,
strong, have high endurance, and to be less skittish than
other horses. They are primarily ridden by riot police,
NAN rangers covering terrain too rough for wheeled vehicles, and for medieval fantasy dinner theater.
8 5 5 8 (9) 4 3 3 4 2 6.0
Initiative 8 + 1D6
Movement x3/x10/+6
Condition Monitor 13/10
Limits Physical 10(11), Mental 5, Social 6
Armor 0 (12 if wearing critter body armor)
Skills Running 6(7), Unarmed Combat 1
Powers Domesticated, Natural Weapon (Kick: DV(STR + 1)P,
AP —, Reach 1)
Augmentations Bone density 1, muscle augmentation 1, Neo-EPO
Note Common tricks include Armor Use and Mount
劇透 -   :
Once considered a subset of warforms, biodrones have
evolved into their own industry. They are distinctly different than warforms in numerous ways, the most obvious being that they possess extensive ’ware and they
cannot be trained but are instead piloted through implants. This is the kind of tech that makes ecoterrorists
froth with rage. You take an animal, stuff it full of ’ware
until it loses its mind, and then throw in some more
’ware that lets you control it like a puppet.
劇透 -   :
> Disgusting.
> Ecotope
> And pointless! Why drone an animal? I don’t have to feed
my drones.
> Clockwork
劇透 -   :
Biodrones experienced their renaissance in the late
’60s as a hot new security option that combined the
best of living animal instincts and the direct control of
a drone through a local security spider. Results were
encouraging at the outset, but time showed that their
primary advantage was their novelty. Once the chinks
in their armor were uncovered, sales tanked, and several
megas scrapped their programs entirely in favor of other
security animal options. Those who stuck with the project looked for other avenues of use.
>最大的问题是那些殖装把动物逼疯了,唯一能控制他们的是连接他们与机师的马镫系统(STIRRUP system)。若果你能用扰频器或者电子控制模块干扰信号传输,他们就会发狂。他们仍然极其危险,被称为马镫界面的殖装也是一个必须的跳线回路系统,连同所有其他垃圾,都被塞在他们体内。而失去了马镫界面的协调,它们的作战能力也大幅下降。这意味着它们可能直接跑掉或者在它们本应保护的地方横冲直撞。
劇透 -   :
> So what are these weaknesses?
> Riot
> The biggest is that their augmentations drove the animals
insane. The only thing keeping them in check was the
STIRRUP system that connected them to the rigger. If you
could disrupt the signal with ECM or scramblers, they
went berserk. They’re still dangerous as hell, seeing as the
STIRRUP is also an integral move-by-wire system, along
with all the other crap they jammed in there, but without
coordination they lost a lot of combat effectiveness,
meaning they might just run off or rampage around the
place they were meant to protect.
> Pistons
> They still see use in some places, mostly mid-level
facilities that can afford to support them but have enough
redundant signal to prevent easy hacking.
> DangerSensei
劇透 -   :
In recent years, the market trend in biodrones has
partially moved away from fully cyberizing animals, at
least for combat. In many cases it would be more cost
effective to simply use a drone, and heavy augmentation to critters eliminates many of the benefits of using
a critter in the first place. Indeed, most research shows
that biodrones marry the worst aspects of augmentation and animals together instead of the best, making
the process a wash, if you’re lucky. Instead, researchers
have focused on creating biodrones that can do what
regular drones cannot. Spying and surveillance are the
prime use of biodrones. Animals such as pigeons, squirrels, and cockroaches are so ubiquitous in the sprawl
that most people don’t even notice their presence, let
alone suspect they are wired with audio- and video-recording enhancements.
>Baka Dabora
劇透 -   :
> Back when they had the Seattle arcology, Renraku was
experimenting with a kind of biodrone devil rat. They
would have provided mobile surveillance all over the
area, even emergency attack via swarm tactics. It never
panned out. The rats’ dual nature meant augmentation
drove them nuts and made them deathly sick.
> Baka Dabora
> Thank goodness they never got it right. Can you imagine
how much worse the arcology could have been if Deus
had a legion of droned devil rats?
> Winterhawk
> That’s presumptuous of you.
> Puck
> Which part?
> Winterhawk
> Every part.
> Puck
劇透 -   :
This practice remained relatively unknown for a couple years, with the corps using the new techniques to
get an edge instead of playing their hand and going for
sales. When they finally hit the market, their sales were
solid, seeing use in espionage and counter-espionage,
security, and in some cases military scouting. Some of
the more esoteric uses included droned pets that could
act as light security and give someone under protection
another layer of observation.
劇透 -   :
> Aztechnology made use of these in Bogata, sending in
almost perfectly camouflaged birds to act as spotters for
artillery fire. The fact that they were alive meant they were
harder to spot in the astral than a drone, and by the time
the shamans could make out the ‘ware, it was too late.
> Picador
劇透 -   :
The second wave of development has been far more
controversial. These biodrones are suicide bombers, implanted with explosives or other self-destruct devices to
act like living, seeking, disguised grenades. While terrifying in implication, in truth the expense makes these
homing beasts something of a rarity. The sheer expense
of such a creature, and the limited suicide material that
can be packed inside without ruining the stealth or mobility of the drone, means that these assassin biodrones
see very exclusive use by the most well-funded of clients, and only against the most deserving of targets.
>The Smiling Bandit
劇透 -   :
> It’s quite surprising just how much high explosive you
need to exit a bomb pigeon and get, say, a two-meter
radius. And the weight means the damn thing is flapping
like hell and wobbling around. Hardly inconspicuous to awatchful bodyguard. Ground-bound biodrone assassins
are much more reliable, but also a bit more likely to be
spotted. For all their unwieldy movement, bird bombs
are usually successful for one simple reason: People
don’t look up.
> Beaker
> It’s much more effective when the biodrone uses nonexplosive means of attack. Not standard tooth and claw,
mind, but poison injectors and gasses. You can pack a
cyber rat with Seven-7 and have it crawl right into the
target’s bedroom and gas them in their sleep. Or you put
a poison injector in their teeth and have them bite. Just a
quick peck can deliver enough Green Ring 8 or ekylbene
venom to put down a troll.
> Balladeer
> The real advantage is that you can make a perfectly
harmless looking animal into an envenomed monstrosity.
With enough advance planning, you can replace the
family dog with a biodrone version, force-growth cloned
and fully implanted, ready to be rigged or programmed.
Their dog goes into the vet, your dog comes out. Easy.
> Marcos
> What happens when it accidentally nips the kids?
> Sunshine
The fact is, biodrones have moved into highly niche
markets. Of all their qualities, there are only a couple of
things they can do well, but those are roles that no other drone or animal could accomplish. This specialization
makes them very expensive, but the quality of performance speaks for itself and keeps biodrone programs
moving, even if they only cater to exceptionally wealthy
clients and megacorporate interests.
> It’s not impossible to keep a biodrone as a shadowrunner,
but it’s way more expensive than it’s worth. You need
specialized equipment and programs just to run them,
they show much less initiative than you’d think, and they
are one glitch away from tearing you to pieces or suffering
sudden cardiac arrest or, more likely, lethal grand mal
seizures. Their ’ware is almost impossible to repair on a
budget, their medical needs are exotic, and maybe worst
of all, they have no personality. You can get a Rottweiler
with a pneumatic jaw and it’ll probably still love you. A
biodrone just … sits there. Waiting. And that’s not just an
expensive boondoggle, it’s kinda sad.
> Rainbow
> In other words, this has been a warning not to trust
animals around corporate enclaves?
> 2XL
> I always knew those chipmunks in the arcologies were too
> Riot
> Haven’t you been reading? This whole document proves
you can’t trust animals anywhere.
> Sounder
> So, no different from anything else, then?
> The Smiling Bandit
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
5   4   4(5)   4   8   3   2   4   3   1.15
主动性   9+2D6
移动力   ×2/×8+4
CM   11/12
界限   肉体6,精神6,社交6
护甲   2(12如果穿着生物防弹衣)
技能   威吓4,侦察5(嗅觉+2),奔跑5,追踪6,徒手格斗5
能力   驯化,感官增强(听觉,嗅觉),天生武器(撕咬:DV(力量+3)P,AP-6)
弱点   CI3D
殖装   骨骼网织层:铝合金,CAST(敌我识别),废铁颚,血小板工厂,SEIS,TRACES,突触强化1
注释   常见特技包括护甲使用,巡逻,SEIS训练与追踪
售价   225000
可获得性   20F
劇透 -   :
Decades of corporate research and development have
gone into the study and implementation of augmentation on animals. Originally it was performed for clinical
trials leading to later application in human subjects, but
the corps are never willing to let a potentially profitable
line of research go untapped.
Early on, when implementing simple cyberlimbs on
mundane animals that had been injured, it was discovered that the critter’s personality changed drastically.
Former loving pets became aggressive, skittish, and erratic. It was determined that non-sapient critters do not
adapt as well as metahumans to change in their physiology and neurochemistry, resulting in acute psychological scarring.
With paracritters, the impact on their personality and
behavior is even more pronounced. The impact of augmentations on a critter’s Magic and Resonance abilities
makes augmented paracritters all but uncontrollable
with more than minimal augmentation.
Junkyard Dog: This biodrone is specialized for area
denial and manhunting. It can be released to patrol a facility using its TRACES system to access all areas of an
otherwise tightly locked-down facility.
5 4 4 (5) 4 8 3 2 4 3 1.15
Initiative 9 + 2D6
Movement x2/x8/+4
Condition Monitor 11/12
Limits Physical 6, Mental 6, Social 6
Armor 2 (12 if wearing critter body armor)
Skills Intimidate 4, Perception 5 (Smell +2), Running 5,
Tracking 6, Unarmed Combat 5
Powers Domesticated, Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell),
Natural Weapon (Bite: DV(STR + 3)P, AP –6)
Weaknesses CI3D
Augmentations Bone lacing (aluminum), CAST w/ friend or foe
recognition, junkyard jaw, platelet factories, SEIS,
TRACES, synaptic booster 1
Note Common tricks include Armor Use, Patrol, SEIS
Training, and Tracking
Cost 225,000¥
Availability 20F
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
2   3   2   1   2   1   5   3   2   5.3
主动性   7+1D6
移动力   ×2/×4+4(×3/×6+5飞行)
CM   7/9
界限   肉体2,精神9,社交5
护甲   0
技能   飞行6,侦察4,徒手格斗2
能力   完形意识
弱点   脆弱2
殖装   通讯链,赛博眼(等级2,弱光视觉,热感视觉,视觉放大,视力增强2),数据锁6,定向刺激,
注释   常见特技包括归家,巡逻,触及-1
售价   30000
可获得性   16R
劇透 -   :
SkySpy: This biodrone is a common crow modified
for surveillance and as a low-profile data courier. A much
larger version of this biodrone with the same capabilities
as well as the ability to fly at high altitudes for an extended period of time is based on the California condor
and is dubbed the RECONdor (use eagle for base stats
instead of a crow). Various types of birds have been used
in the past as surveillance biodrones. Originally pigeons
were the preferred template, but numerous complaints
of these expensive little biodrones being eaten by cats,
hawks, and other wild predators caused trends to shift to
another common urban bird that is less vulnerable.
2 3 2 1 2 1 5 3 2 5.3
Initiative 7 + 1D6
Movement x2/x4/+4 (x3/x6/+5 flight)
Condition Monitor 7/9
Limits Physical 2, Mental 9, Social 5
Armor 0
Skills Flight 6, Perception 4, Unarmed Combat 2
Powers Gestalt Consciousness
Weaknesses Fragile (2)
Augmentations Commlink, cybereyes [Rating 2, w/ low-light vision,
thermographic vision, vision magnification, vision
enhancement 2), data lock 6, orientation goad
Note Common tricks include Homing, Patrol. Reach –1
Cost 30,000¥
Availability 16R
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
1   2   5   0   2   ——   2   ——   2   6.0
主动性   5+2D6
移动力   ×2/×8+4
CM   1/1
界限   肉体2,精神2,社交3
护甲   0
技能   体操3,侦察2,潜行4
能力   完形意识,墙上行走
弱点   超级脆弱
殖装   CAST
注释   不能学习特技
售价   25000
可获得性   14R
劇透 -   :
Roachdrone: A bug bug—that is, an insect that can
transmit audio and video recordings. People tend to
squish bugs if they see them indoors, so be conscious of
where and how they are implemented.
1 2 5 0 2 — 2 — 2 6.0
Initiative 5 + 2D6
Movement x2/x8/+4
Condition Monitor 1/1
Limits Physical 2, Mental 2, Social 3
Armor 0
Skills Gymnastics 3, Sneaking 4, Perception 2
Powers Gestalt Consciousness, Wall Walking
Weaknesses Extra Fragile
Augmentations CAST
Note Cannot be taught Tricks.
Cost 25,000¥
Availability 14R
体质   敏捷   反应   力量   意志   逻辑   直觉   魅力   极限   精华
6(7)   5(6)   4(7)   5(6)   3   2   4   3   3   1.03
主动性   15+3D6
移动力   ×2/×6+4
CM   12/10
界限   肉体7(9),精神4,社交4
护甲   0(10如果穿着生物防弹衣)
技能   侦察5,奔跑5,潜行6,追踪4,徒手格斗7
能力   弱光视觉
弱点   CI3D, CTLE-X
殖装   骨密度增强2,变色龙皮毛4,技能插口4,马镫界面2,超级甲状腺
注释   常见特技包括进攻
售价   600000
可获得性   25F
劇透 -   :
Cybertooth Tiger: This hunter-killer biodrone allows
a biorigger to carry out frighteningly fast hit-and-run attacks. An entire squad can be picked off one by one with
little more than a scream and the telltale shimmer of a
cloaked predator before a deadly silence returns.
6 (7) 5 (6) 4 (7) 5 (6) 3 2 4 3 3 1.03
Initiative 15 + 3D6
Movement x2/x6/+4
Condition Monitor 12/10
Limits Physical 7(9), Mental 4, Social 4
Armor 0 (10 if wearing critter body armor)
Skills Perception 5, Running 5, Sneaking 6, Tracking 4,
Unarmed Combat 7
Powers Low-light Vision
Weaknesses CI3D, CTLE-X
Augmentations Bone density 2, chameleon pelt 4, skilljack 4, stirrup
interface 2, suprathyroid gland
Note Common tricks include Attack.
Cost 600,000¥
Availability 25F
CAST通过发掘动物大脑皮层的感觉中枢来解决这个问题,使生物无人机能够传输实时的感觉和接收机师指令。 通过识别大脑中的感官刺激,一个CAST单元读取数据并将其转录为可理解的拟感数据。这项技术使机师能够利用动物的增强感官,如鹰的敏锐视力或猎犬的增强嗅觉。
这个界面是基于一个先进的跳线回路系统(第84页,Chrome Flesh),并提供所有相同的奖励和增强,包括内置的技能闭路系统。此外,它还增加了一个远程机控适应装置,使机师能够监控动物的精确运动,并通过VR直接跳进去控制它。安装了该殖装的动物可以充分使用自己的技能与能力,除非机师跳入。一个机师跳入该生物并使用它自己的技能进行任何行动时,承受-1的骰池调整与极限调整。如果该生物同时还具有技能插口殖装,则机师可以使用其加载的行动软件而不受惩罚。该生物无人机也可以由一个专门的自驾系统控制,但如果是的话,它的功能与普通无人机完全一样。
赛博改造   精华消耗   可获得性   售价
变色龙皮毛(等级1-4)   0.3×等级   20F   6000×等级
CAST   0.5   25   25000
└敌我识别   ——   +1   5000
定向刺激   0.1   4   500
└等级1   3.2   15R   45000
└等级2   4.2   21R   135000
└等级3   5.2   28R   220000
TRACES   0.7   25F   25000
SEIES   0.7   25F   20000
劇透 -   :
A bit of a combination of the skin toner and fibre optic
hair cosmetic cyberware available to metahumans, this
augmentation replaces the critter’s hair follicles with
ruthenium polymer filaments and installs a chameleon
processor unit that adjusts the color of the fur in real
time. This allows the critter to blend in to its surroundings and virtually disappear. The chameleon pelt imparts a negative dice pool modifier of (Rating + 2) to
visual Perception tests to spot the critter. This augmentation is compatible with skin modifications that provide armor, such as dermal plating or orthoskin.
Computer-assisted sensory translation (CAST) is the
equivalent of a rigger interface for biodrones. It allows
the rigger to jump in to a biodrone and not only control
them through AR commands but experience the animal’s senses through a wireless connection. This technology circumvents the greatest obstacle in biodrone
development—the inability of traditional simsense interfaces and the metahuman mind to process an animal’s raw senses.
CAST tackles this problem by tapping the sensory
centers of the animal’s cortex, allowing the biodrone
to transmit real-time sensory and rigging information
feeds. Identifying sensory stimuli in the brain, a CAST
unit reads and translates data into comprehensible simsense data. This technique allows the rigger to make use
of an animal’s enhanced senses, such as an eagle’s sharp
eyesight or a bloodhound’s enhanced sense of smell.The system can also interpret senses that metahumans normally do not possess such as a migratory bird’s
direction sense or a shark’s electromagnetic sense. Software then reinterprets this sensory data into a form that
makes sense to the rigger, such as multicolored ARO
overlays or icons.
The simsense data the CAST system generates is
two-way. Commands from the rigger are translated into
sensory experiences that trigger predictable behavior
from the animal. The illusory smell of food and a sense
of hunger can be projected to steer a biodrone in a certain direction. A target marked as a target by the rigger
will be perceived as prey. The system may even be programmed to activate certain cues based on simple vocal
commands. An advanced CAST package, available on
demand, expands the CAST system with a friend-or-foe
recognition system.
While much research has gone into the process,
there have been no successful trials of a CAST system interpreting a paracritter’s astral sight, as there is no identified region of the brain that controls this ability.
The most economical method of direct control is a
simple cyberimplant that “destabilizes” the biodrone’s
orientation by changing the balance of the inner ear.
The biodrone reacts instinctively to the change by turning, moving forward or backward, up or down. Thus,
the direction in which the drone moves can be crudelycontrolled by a security rigger. The goad comes with an
integral wireless microtransceiver with a range of 100
meters. While this system is not optimized for combat,
orientation goads are the ideal method of control for
discreet recon and surveillance biodrones, such as cyber-augmented insects or birds (including the RECondor). This minute implant has the added benefit of being less invasive than more advanced control systems,
and consequently implanted animals show less signs
of aggressive behavior and psychological trauma.
This incredibly cheap and simple device is used to
crudely control the movements and direction of an animal by destabilizing the animal’s sense of orientation.
The animal is forced to move in a given direction or
change directions to compensate for the destabilization.
This degree of control is sufficient to guide the animal
in a general direction, but insufficient for most complex
or combat maneuvers, or fine control of any kind. Controlling a biodrone in this fashion is a Simple Action using the biodrone’s relevant Skill + Attribute with a limit
of the biodrone’s Physical limit or the Data Processing of
the device from which you are sending the command,
whichever is lower.
The most advanced control method uses sophisticated move-by-wire technology to ensure direct control.
Known as a stirrup interface, it includes rigger control
adaptation. This extraordinary system allows full sensory immersion and rigger control of the biodrone and
also enhances the unit’s reflexes and motion control
significantly. The catch is this technology is expensive
and not suited for large scale application.
This interface is based on an advanced move-by-wire
system (p. 84, Chrome Flesh) and provides all of the same
bonuses and benefits, including the embedded skillwire
system. Additionally, it adds a remote control-rig adaptation that allows a rigger to monitor the exact movements of the animal as well as to jump in and control it
directly through full-immersion VR. The subject animal
may make full use of its own faculties and skills, except
when the rigger is jumped in. A rigger jumped into the
recipient uses their own skills with a –1 dice pool modifier and the critter’s limits when performing any actions.
The rigger can use activesofts loaded through the biodrone’s skilljack system at no penalty if such a system is
implanted in the biodrone as well. The recipient can be
controlled by a specialized Pilot program, but if it is, it
functions exactly like a regular drone.
SEIES is a common tactical implant that ties a biodrone
into a facility’s defense network or a military unit network.
The SEIES provides updated information on the location
of friendlies, their firing arcs, sensor contact with the enemy, and defense installation status; when combined with
an implanted commlink, CAST implant or a stirrup interface, the information is translated into simple sim-perceptions that the animal intelligence can process.
If installed at a relatively young age, animals will
grow up with a natural understanding of these foreign
impressions. Given enough time, an animal can learn to
use SEIES to manipulate its environment. It can use it to
open and close doors, switch other defense systems on
and off, or perform similar tasks. This amount of control
allows the animal to freely move through its habitat, or in
the case of an experienced predator, to reconfigure the
maze it is kept in when hunting intruders. The biodrone
may trigger any function linked to the network (such as
an alarm, opening or closing a door) as a Free Action.
Further, it may add + 2 to any Surprise Tests (including
ambushing). A combat biodrone equipped with both
SEIES and TRACES can use its environment to devastating effect, preparing ambushes and potentially separating team members from the rest of the group.
While most animals can routinely beat a computer in
recognizing other animals or metahumans, they aren’t
able to readily identify man-made objects and their
functions, be they weapons, buttons and switches, or
potential recon targets. TRACES tries to solve this problem. The system employs advanced image-recognition
software linked to an optical feed (typically cybereyes,
or a mounted camera). TRACES then uses the implanted
commlink, CAST implant, or stirrup interface to translate directions into behavioral guidance. For instance,
as a recon biodrone approaches a target, TRACES
identifies the intruder and either equates it with food/
home/comfort (to move the drone closer), or with danger if the intent is for the biodrone to move away. The
preceding example uses crude, simple impressions; by
overlaying multiple complimentary impressions, quite
complex behavior can be generated, effectively allowing the animal to use its own natural abilities to deal
efficiently with situations that would normally be alien
to it. In game terms, a TRACES-equipped biodrone can
be treated like a tactically trained metahuman in regards to its behavior in combat (e.g., avoiding heavily
armed opposition, staying out of firearm range, using
cover, recognizing the magician and staying out of
line of sight, and so forth). Further, the animal is capable of recognizing doors, simple switches, and similar
features, and it understands how to use them. Note
that this system works both ways—if the animal “naturally” detects and identifies a threat, this information
is shared with the system, which enhances its perfor-mance. TRACES also grants a biodrone + 2 dice bonus
for any Melee Combat Tests and all defense tests.
Chameleon Pelt (Rating 1-4) 0.3 x Rating 20F 6,000¥ x Rating
CAST 0.5 25 25,000¥
 + Friend or Foe Recognition — +1 5,000¥
Orientation Goad 0.1 4 500¥
Stirrup Interface Rating 1 3.2 15R 45,000¥
Stirrup Interface Rating 2 4.2 21R 135,000¥
Stirrup Interface Rating 3 5.2 28R 220,000¥
TRACES 0.7 25F 25,000¥
SEIES 0.7 25F 20,000¥
劇透 -   :
• Bone density affects the toughness of a critter’s teeth but
not their claws, as they are composed of keratin and not
• Bone lacing includes reinforcing the teeth in critters.
• Hand razors can be installed in a critter that already has
claws. It replaces those claws and changes the damage
• Spurs are unable to be used with the legs of a quadruped,
however the raptor foot augmentation is compatible.
• Tooth and claw caps coat existing teeth and claws or repair
broken ones with titanium (cost: 500 nuyen). Note that this
does not reinforce the root, so teeth and claws may be
ripped out in combat. If this happens, Essence is lost when
repairing the damage with cybernetic equivalents.
• Cortex bombs, particularly the area-bomb variety, are used in
suicide assassination biodrones and are generally installed
in the body cavity of the animal rather than the head.
« 上次编辑: 2021-07-22, 周四 20:53:55 由 风炎33 »

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劇透 -   :
Training a critter can be difficult and time consuming. Still, having a well-trained animal at your side can offer considerable benefits.


劇透 -   :
The difficulty in training a critter can vary wildly depending on the nature of the critter in question and its history. Consult the Animal Training Table below and determine what modifier, if any, applies to the critter you plan to train.


劇透 -   :
The number of tricks a critter is capable of learning is limited to the critter’s Logic. Domesticated (see Chapter 12, Game Information) critters have been bred to work well with metahumans and can learn Tricks equal to twice their Logic. Teaching a trick is an Extended Animal Handling Test with a starting threshold of 3. The threshold to teach a Domesticated critter a trick is lowered by 1. Teaching tricks to paracritters is more difficult than teaching them to mundane critters, raising the threshold by 1. Critters and paracritters with extensive ’ware become emotionally unstable and very difficult to train; raising the threshold by 1 for every point of Essence loss is appropriate. Chimerics tend to be erratic with a short attention span, making them difficult to train as well. Chimerics should increase the threshold by at least 2.


要开始训练一只动物,你必须首先被动物认为是它的支配者。进行一个对抗检定,驯养动物+魅力 v. 动物的意志×3(或意志×2,如果对方是驯化动物)。如果检定成功,你可以开始教动物一个特技;如果你不成功,你必须等待24小时才能再次尝试检定。
劇透 -   :
To begin training a critter, you must frst be recognized by the critter as dominant. Make an Animal Handling + Charisma test opposed by the critter’s Willpower x 3, or in the case of Domesticated critters Willpower x 2. If the test is successful, you may begin teaching the critter a trick; if you are unsuccessful, you must wait twenty-four hours to attempt the test again.

第四步:选择信号 STEP 4: CHOOSE A CUE

劇透 -   :
When training a critter, you must choose a particular type of cue with which to issue commands for the critter to perform a particular trick. These can vary greatly, and their effectiveness can also vary considerably from species to species. Dogs, with their sharp hearing, respond well to auditory cues such as spoken command words. Birds generally have sharp eyesight and respond well to hand signals. Keep in mind that an animal trained with auditory cues can be a disadvantage in stealth missions, and an animal trained with hand signals must be in line of sight to command. Many trainers choose to use both auditory cues and hand signals in combination so that the animal can be controlled in all situations. An animal that has been trained to use both types of cues in conjunction can be commanded with either a hand signal or auditory signal alone, though the trainer has a –2 dice pool modifer when issuing commands in this way.

劇透 -   :
Teaching a trick is an Extended Animal Handling Test (3), with an interval of 2 weeks. Various modifers can affect a trainer’s ability to control and teach an animal depending on a variety of factors, such as the nature of the critter and your treatment of it. Consult the Animal Training Table for details.
劇透 -   :
Training critters can be risky, especially if the critter is dangerous. On a critical glitch, a critter with a higher Body or Strength than you will attempt to attack the trainer, and a critter with a lower Body and Strength will attempt to run away. In either case, the trainer must assert their dominance as described above once again before they can continue teaching the trick.
劇透 -   :
When all trick “slots” have been used, the critter can be taught no more. One trick can replace another if the trainer desires, but it requires a retraining period that doubles the time it takes to learn the new trick. Once the new skill is learned, the old trick is lost.
劇透 -   :
Juvenile critters cost twice as much as fully grown ones due to the fact that they prove easier to train upon reaching adulthood if the time has been spent making them accustomed to human interaction.


劇透 -   :
Commanding an animal to use a particular trick is a Simple Action requiring an Animal Handling + Charisma test with a threshold of 1.


劇透 -   :
Tricks describe capabilities a critter can learn that work to serve metahuman needs. Additional tricks may be available at the gamemaster’s discretion.
护甲使用(Armor Use):这代表着对一只动物穿上人造防具如何不带来干扰或分心的训练。
劇透 -   :
Armor Use: This represents the training required to teach a critter to wear man-made armor without penalties from distraction or interference.
劇透 -   :
Attack: The critter is trained to attack targets the handler directs them to attack.
劇透 -   :
Assist: The animal is trained to assist the handler in simple tasks, such as picking up objects, opening doors, or crossing the street. This trick is primarily for critters owned by those with physical handicaps.
劇透 -   :
Bodyguarding: The critter is trained to follow and guard the trainer or another individual the trainer designates.
劇透 -   :
Companion: This “trick” is actually a set of tricks, basic trained behaviors that make an animal useful as a companion. This includes but is not limited to things like sit, stay, heel, and don’t poop in the house.
探测[类别](Detect [Category]):该动物受训去利用它们的自然和增强的感官来发现并指出炸弹、毒品,和对于觉醒动物,甚至包括魔法。(编注:虽然这里没有说,但是一般[类别]这样的写法的话,是要分别学的)
劇透 -   :
Detect [Category]: The critter is trained to use their natural and enhanced senses to fnd and point out bombs, drugs, and, with Awakened critters, even magic.
劇透 -   :
Herding: The critter is trained to direct a target the way their handler commands. The critter intimidates a target through barks, growls, roars, or feigned attacks. In doing so, the target is forced in a direction of the handler’s choosing.
劇透 -   :
Homing: The critter is trained to return to a certain location if not under the guidance of its master or another metahuman.
劇透 -   :
Mount: The critter is trained to have a rider and follow their basic directions (walk, stop, left, right, etc.) without an Animal Handling test. More complex tasks (and any test during combat) require Animal Handling tests or the relevant trick.
劇透 -   :
Patrol: The critter is trained to protect a certain object or area as designated by the trainer. They frst attempt to Intimidate any intruders they encounter; if the intruder doesn’t back off, the critter attacks them using whatever means are at its disposal.
劇透 -   :
Retrieve: The critter is trained to track down and retrieve certain objects. The trainer can either point to an object within line of sight for the critter to retrieve or show the critter a particular object and then direct them to an area to search for a similar object. The success of the latter method varies greatly depending on the intelligence of the animal.
SEIS训练(SEIS Training):一个拥有SEIS殖装的动物可以受训来利用前者在一个设施中为它引路,并使用该设施的自动防御系统获得优势。如果装备SEIS的动物从幼年起就在特定的设施中饲养,不需要这种训练就拥有使用系统的能力。然而,当一只动物完全长大后才安装SEIS,或者一只动物被转移到一个没有经验的新设施时,它们需要这类训练才能够使用新设施的系统。
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SEIS Training: A critter with the SEIS augmentation can be trained to use it to navigate a facility and use the facility’s automated defenses to its benefit. A SEIS-equipped animal that was raised in a particular facility from the time it was young does not need this training to use the system’s capabilities. However, an animal that has SEIS installed when fully grown or an animal that is moved to a new facility that it does not have experience with requires this type of training to be able to use the new facility’s systems.
技能提高(Skill Improvement):代表着通过训练来提高一只动物已经拥有的技能。使该动物一个已有技能的等级+1。该特技不计入该动物的总特技量。被提升的技能不能高于驯兽师的驯养动物技能或相关技能。
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Skill Improvement: Represents training to refine skills a critter already has. Increase a skill the critter has by 1 rank. This trick does not count against the critter’s total tricks. You cannot raise a critter’s skill higher than the trainer’s ranks in Handle Animal or the skill in question.
技能使用(Skill Use):代表着通过训练使一只动物获得它们通常不具备的技能。这些技能包括脱逃,体操,侦察,表演,奔跑,潜行,生存,追踪和徒手格斗。一个可以星体感知的动物可以被教导灵视和星体战斗。动物不能被教导他们身体上不能完成的技能。例如,海豚不能学习奔跑技能。
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Skill Use: Represents training in a skill a critter does not normally possess. These skills include Escape Artist, Gymnastics, Perception, Performance, Running, Sneaking, Survival, Tracking, and Unarmed Combat. A critter that can astrally perceive can be taught Assensing and Astral Combat. An animal cannot be taught a skill they physically cannot perform. For example, a dolphin cannot learn the Running Skill.
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Tracking: The critter has been trained to use its keen natural Tracking skills at its master’s command.
触发训练(Trigger Training):该动物受训在某些信号触发使用其训练能力之一就像有主人在旁发令一样。触发信号可以有多种形式,但最常用的触发信号是超声波音调、特定气味或特定视觉信号。驯兽师不必在场动物也会对这些信号做出反应。
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Trigger Training: The critter has been trained to use one of its trained abilities as if a trainer commanded it when a trigger is set off. Triggers can come in many forms but most most commonly used triggers are ultrasonic tones, specifc scents, or specifc visual cues. The trainer need not be present for the animal to react to these cues.


同样的技术用来为泛人类创造轻巧而耐用的护甲,有时也用于驯化动物,包括狗、马和其他一些动物。在西雅图的富人区,人们总能看到狗穿着狗用防化服散步,以在酸雨特别严重的日子里保护它们。许多牧场主仍然保持着古老的传统,骑马放牛。不过他们也不得不适应第六纪的危险,为他们的坐骑配备马铠——如果有什么难缠的超自然动物想拿马匹当晚餐的话,马铠能给后者一个抵抗的机会。警犬通常装备重型护甲,作为对高度武装犯罪分子的明智回应。(编注:德文中,这段的定位是作为一个新章节的引言,这里也便如此处理了,不过德文的标题就很直接了…“动物装备 CRITTER-AUSRÜSTUNG”)
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Barding and Brutality: The same tech used to create lightweight yet durable armored clothing for metahumans is sometimes applied to domesticated animals including dogs, horses, and a few others. It is a relatively common sight in the more affluent areas of the Seattle sprawl to see a dog being walked wearing a chem-resistant pooch coat to protect them on days where the acid rain is particularly bad. Many ranchers still keep to the old traditions and ride horses to herd cattle. They have had to adapt to the hazards of the Sixth World, however, outftting their horses with armored barding that gives the horse a fghting chance if some nasty paracritters try to make it a meal. Police dogs are routinely outftted with heavy body armor as a sensible response to a highly armed criminal element.
动物护甲(Critter Body Armor):具有[护甲使用]特技的受训动物才能穿上动物护甲。任何动物可以无惩罚穿戴的最大护甲等级为体质-3(如果正在飞行或游泳),或体质+3(如果在陆地上)。否则,对动物会承受和对泛人类一样的护甲罚值。动物护甲与其天生护甲叠加,动物护甲必须特制以适应物种体型。它能以标准售价获得以下的护甲强化:化学防护,隐蔽口袋,拖拽把手,电致变色衣料,防火,隔热,绝缘,阻热。(编注:虽然德文也是这样写的,但是护甲罚值那里写法有点怪…因为只有护甲加值会可能带来罚值,但是护甲本身不会,所以合理的可能应该是动物护甲提供的全部都是加值…详情咨询你的GM)
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Critter Body Armor: Only critters who have been trained with the Armor Use trick are able to wear Critter Body Armor. The maximum armor rating any critter can wear without penalty is equal to the critter’s Body – 3 if flying or swimming, or Body + 3 if on the ground. Otherwise armor penalties for critters function the same as they do for metahumans. Critter Body Armor stacks with a critter’s natural armor. Critter Body Armor must be specially made for the specifc species and ftted to their size. It can accept the following armor modifcations for the standard cost: Chemical Protection, Concealed Pocket, Drag Handle, Electrochromic Clothing, Fire Resistance, Insulation, Nonconductivity, Thermal Damping.
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Shapeshifters in their animal form can wear Critter Body Armor and other critter gear, though they will need help putting it on. They do not require special training to wear the armor but are otherwise subject to the standard rules outlined here.
动物耳机(Critter Earphones):这些设备允许训练者远程发出口头命令,并保护听觉灵敏的动物免受极强噪音的伤害。具有[护甲使用]特技的受训动物才能戴上动物耳机。这些耳机是为各种各样的动物生产的,它们可以接受以下强化:听力增强、声链和空间识别。
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Critter Earphones: These allow a trainer to giver verbal commands remotely and protect critters with sensitive hearing from extremely loud noises. Only critters who have been trained with the Armor Use trick are able to wear critter earphones. These earphones are produced for a wide variety of critters and can accept the following modifcations: Audio Enhancement, Sound Link, and Spatial Recognizer.
动物护目镜(Critter Goggles):这些护目镜在控制训练以识别视觉信号和在战斗中或其他危险环境保护动物的眼睛时非常有用。具有[护甲使用]特技的受训动物才能戴上护目镜。这些护目镜是为各种各样的动物制作的,它们可以接受以下强化:强光补偿、图像链、弱光视觉和视力增强。要注意的是,动物无法通过受训去理解和使用ARO。这些护目镜的容量与其等级相等。
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Critter Goggles: These can be extremely useful in controlling critters trained to recognize visual cues and to protect the eyes of critters in combat or other hazardous environments. Only critters who have been trained with the Armor Use trick are able to wear critter goggles. These goggles are produced for a wide variety of critters and can accept the following modifcations: flare compensation, image link, low-light vision, and vision enhancement. It should be noted that critters cannot be trained to understand and use AROs. These goggles have a capacity equal to their rating.
传感器项圈(Sensor Collar):该项圈配备2级摄像头和全向麦克风,为动物主人提供动物的周边环境信息。它还允许通过GPS跟踪动物的位置。在动物需要注册或特定种类的动物需要注册的辖区内,此项圈可以广播动物的注册信息。
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Sensor Collar: This collar comes equipped with a Rating 2 camera and omnidirectional microphone, providing surveillance information to the handler of the animal’s surroundings. It also allows the critter’s location to be tracked via GPS. In jurisdictions where critters or certain species of critters are required to be registered, this collar can broadcast the animal’s registration information.
训练工具包(Training Kit):虽然这种设备的内容物因动物不同而千变万化,但某些特定配件对训练动物非常有帮助,特别是教授更复杂的特技时。这些配件包括零食、皮带、项圈、鞭子、假攻击目标和其他类似的东西。
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Training Kit: While the nature of this equipment varies from animal to animal, certain accessories are extremely helpful in training a critter, especially the more complex tricks. These accessories include things like treats, leashes, collars, whips, attack targets, and other similar things.


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Domesticated: Domesticated critters have been bred to work well with metahumans and can learn tricks equal to twice their Logic. In addition, the threshold to teach a Domesticated critter a trick is lowered by 1.
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Gliding: The critter has flaps of skin, semi-functional wings, or some other feature that allows it to glide short distances. Creatures with the Gliding ability always have at least one rank in the Free-Fall skill. Critters use Agility instead of Body when using the Free-Fall skill to glide, because it is more about the fne motor reflexes than pure physicality. A gliding critter can avoid falling damage from any distance with a Free-Fall + Agility [Physical] (2) Test. While falling, they can choose to travel up to twice the distance horizontally that they fall vertically. In one Combat Turn, a gliding critter falls ten meters (no gliding up!) and can move up to twenty meters horizontally.
残翼(Vestigial Wings):在奇美拉动物中很常见,翅膀被基因移植到一个本没有翅膀的物种中,这些翅膀不足以进行真正的飞行,因为该动物缺乏适当的肌肉组织和较低的体重。然而,他们并非没有好处。如果有残翼的动物碰巧坠落,在计算坠落伤害时,将坠落的有效距离减少4米(p.172,SR5),而且该动物的跳跃检定获得+2骰池调整(p.134-135,SR5)。
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Vestigial Wings: Common in chimeric creatures where wings are genetically grafted into a species that does not have them, these wings are insuffcient for true flight due to the lack of appropriate musculature and low body weight found in flying critters. They are not without beneft however. If a creature with Vestigial Wings should happen to fall, reduce the effective distance of a fall by four meters when calculating the falling damage (p. 172, SR5) and you receive a +2 dice pool modifer on jumping tests (p. 134-135, SR5).
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While genetic manipulation has been unable to replicate any magical abilities in animals, there has been some limited success in using traditional stock breeding and culling methods to produce a genetic line of dogs that are far more likely than average to exhibit some ability to perceive magic auras and sometimes even perceive the astral. These dogs, dubbed ghost hounds, are highly sought after as guard animals. Most ghost hounds have the ability to sense magical auras that functions similar to the adept Magic Sense power (p. 172, Street Grimoire). The rarest of the breed have full Astral Perception. They have the same traits and abilities as a mundane dog, however Ghost Hounds with Astral Perception have 1 rank of the Assensing skill and are almost always trained to improve this skill. Because of the intense breeding required to manifest these abilities, ghost hounds can never be modifed with chimeric or warform genetic enhancements. In addition, any Essence loss destroys their ability to sense magic.


动物赛博错乱(Critter Cyberpsychosis):一种症状,通常会影响因殖装而损失5点或以上精华的凡俗动物,或一只因殖装而损失3点或以上精华的超自然动物。对该动物进行的殖装已经证明对一只动物来说太多了,以至于会造成心理崩溃。这只动物对它附近的任何动物都做出敌对的反应,并对监禁感到狂怒。这种动物会尽其所能去伤害它能接触到的任何动物(甚至是它自己的同类),并逃避任何囚禁。
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Critter Cyberpsychosis: A condition commonly affecting a mundane critter with 5 or more Essence loss from augmentation or a paracritter with 3 or more essence loss from augmentation. The augmentations performed on a creature have proven to be too much for a critter, leaving it broken psychologically. The critter reacts in a hostile manner to any living thing near it and rages against captivity. The critter will try to the best of its ability to harm any living thing it can reach (even its own kind) and to escape any captivity.
CI3D(动物殖装引起的免疫缺陷;Critter Implant Induced Immune Defciency):一种症状,通常会影响因殖装而损失4点或以上精华的凡俗动物,或一只因殖装而损失2点或以上精华的超自然动物。受影响的动物在所有抵抗疾病、药物、毒素和其他化合物的影响的体质检定中都有-2骰池调整。
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CI3D (Critter Implant Induced Immune Defciency): A condition commonly affecting a mundane critter with 4 or more essence lost to augmentation or a paracritter with 2 or more essence lost to augmentation. The afflicted critter suffers a dice pool modifer of –2 on all Body Tests to resist the effects of diseases, drugs, toxins, and other compounds.
CTLE-X(动物性颞叶癫痫;Critter Temporal Lobe Epilepsy):该症状导致癫痫发作,原因是对该动物神经和生理上的高强度殖装。这种情况可能是由任何赛博殖装引发的(因殖装而损失4点或以上精华),但是由马镫界面引起的居多。每当通过诸如马镫界面的电子操控来控制动物的机师或者动物本身出现失误(p. 45, SR5),动物必须通过检定,体质+意志(4),不然就会陷入癫痫发作{5-成功}分钟。如果在机师跳入时,动物正在经历CTLE-X,马镫界面将自动断开机师与生物无人机的连接,作为一种保护措施,以避免遭受严重的生物反馈。
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CTLE-X (Critter Temporal Lobe Epilepsy): This condition causes seizures due to the neurological and physiological stress extensive augmentation puts on the critter. This condition is possible with any extensive cyberware (4 or more essence lost to augmentation), but especially with the Stirrup Interface. Whenever the critter or a rigger controlling the critter through electronic control such as a Stirrup Interface rolls a glitch (p. 45, SR5), the critter must make a Body + Willpower (4) Test or fall into epileptic seizures for (5 – hits) minutes. If the critter experiences a CTLE-X episode while a rigger is jumped in, the Stirrup system will automatically disconnect the rigger from the biodrone as a protective measure to avoid severe biofeedback.
饮食要求(量身定制的营养;Dietary Requirement(Tailored Nutrition)):许多高度改造的动物需要特殊的饮食。有时这是广泛基因改造的副作用,而另一些时候这是由于作为一种产品控制而进行的刻意改造。基因工程的动物,如果不是由于基因改造而不育,总是有这样的饮食要求,以防止它们在野外繁殖和破坏生态系统。当然,为一只动物出售专门的食物对超企来说也是很有利可图的。
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Dietary Requirement (Tailored Nutrition): Many highly modifed critters require specialized diets. Sometimes this is a side effect of extensive genetic modifcation, while other times this is due to intentional alteration as a kind of product control. Genetically engineered critters that are not sterile by creation always possess this dietary requirement to prevent them from breeding in the wild and disrupting the ecosystem. Of course, selling specialized food for a critter is quite proftable to the corps as well.
不稳定生理(Precarious Physiology):由于高度基因改造,奇美拉动物在赛博植入方面有免疫抑制问题,赛博改造带来的精华损失翻倍。生体改造,不管它们是如何生长或设计的,都会被奇美拉的身体所排挤。(编注:就是说,奇美拉不能拿生体改造)
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Precarious Physiology: Due to their heavily modifed genetics, chimeric critters have immuno-suppressive problems with cybernetic implants. Double all Essence losses caused by cyberware. Bioware implants, regardless of how they are grown or designed, are rejected by the chimeric’s body.
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In a world where your next-door neighbor could have horns, a tail, and fur, doctors have had to expand their skills to accommodate a much wider variety of physiologies. Applying those skills to a critter just isn’t much of a stretch. Any skills in the Biotech skill group can be used with critters at no penalty. “Veterinary” can be selected as a specialization for the Medicine skill, granting the standard +2 bonus when applicable.

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A chimeric critter can only possess up to six chimeric modifications. After that, their genetic structure becomes too unstable, and the genetic blueprint will fail to generate a viable embryo.

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A chimeric critter can only possess up to six chimeric modifications. After that, their genetic structure becomes too unstable, and the genetic blueprint will fail to generate a viable embryo.