作者 主题: 百活塑者(Taskshaper)  (阅读 6028 次)

副标题: 一个跟我幻想中主角职业部分不谋而合的3pp职业


  • 犭良人
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« 于: 2020-03-16, 周一 00:00:13 »

  我是名百活塑者,而我會告訴你我們這類人的故事。我們不是替換兒(Changelings),儘管他們拿到我們失去的身份;我們不是变形怪(Doppelgangers),儘管我們不時和他們合作。不,我們是每個凡人種族的孩子都存在的那種孩子——被精类从我們的嬰兒床、我們的遊樂場、甚至我們的學院那拐走。我們被带到精类那魔法家園,自己的真正血統成了我們無法觸及的秘密,而我們的記憶被魔法修改,如果我們活得夠久的話還是能回想起一線線我们以往的人生。至點王——奥伯容(Auberyon, the Solstice King)用他和他的妖精子民的魔法將我們变成萬用工具,声称我们将為了阻止来自凡人世界的堕落和侵略性威胁而努力。我相信這的確是他原本的意圖,但是随着时间流逝,威胁並没有显现,而我們則成了別的東西——娱乐玩具。至點王现在只是为了自己的娱乐而这样做。然后,我們知曉最大秘密的那天来臨,我們的同族被带到幻梦境進行血腥娛樂,在那里以死亡取悅至點王。我們团结起来並发誓这將不是我们的命运,所以我们上演出一场「消失(Vanishing)」。



劇透 -   :
New Base Class: Taskshaper

  I am a taskshaper, and I will tell you the story of my kind. We are not changelings, though they took our identities; we are not doppelgangers though now we often work with them. No, we are the children of nearly every mortal race abducted by the fey, kidnapped from our cribs, our playgrounds, and even our schools. We were taken to the enchanted homeland of the fey, the secret of our true heritage kept from us, and our memories altered by magic if we were old enough to remember any glimmer of our previous lives. Auberyon, the Solstice King, used his magics and the magics of the fair folk to transform us into adaptive tools, with the claim that we would serve to stop a fell and encroaching threat from the mortal realms. I believe this was his original intent but over time, when the threat did not manifest, we became something else, we became entertainment. The Solstice King now simply does this for his own amusement. Then came the day when we learned the great secret, our kindred were being taken to the realm of dreams to perform in a blood sport, where taskshaper’s died for his pleasure. We banded together and swore this would not be our fate, and so we brought about our Vanishing.

Learning the true intent of our captors, that there was no great noble purpose to our existence, we cast about seeking meaning. It was then when we learned that the fey kidnapped us from our true lives. We thought to go home, and so the majority of the taskshapers banded together and escaped to the mortal realm, our true home, vanishing into various forms and scattering so that the Solstice King could not corral us like so much cattle. Not that we knew what we would come home to find, so many of us taken as small children, barely remembering the vaguest shadows of what home might have been. But we wanted something real, something independent of the whimsy of a callous fey lord. We hoped our return would be a grand celebration, instead we found that no one remembered us; no one had ever missed us. We were bereft of solace, not even the ashes of our stolen lives remained. We had not accounted for the movement of time in the enchanted lands of the fair folk, nor thought to, and we had returned two thousand years after we had been abducted.

  Thus it began, we had returned to a world no longer our own, misplaced in time. Some of us have taken up the trickster ways of the fey, others finding work in the mortal world using the abilities the fey had granted us, teaching these gifts and skills to other mortals and we found our place, disguised as something other than what we truly are.
« 上次编辑: 2020-03-16, 周一 21:32:22 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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Re: Taskshaper
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-03-16, 周一 00:05:22 »

生命骰(Hit Die):d8


  模仿(Mimicry, Ex):1级时,整活師擅長所有簡易武器和軍用武器,同時擅長所盔甲和盾牌。4级时,整活師能如同擁对應法術列表般使用任何法術觸發型或法術完成型的道具。其CL=其职业等级。8级时,整活師变得擅長所有異种武器。

  變換時刻(Moment of Change, Su):整活師每天能使用變換時刻「3+其职业等级」次。每轮1次,以一个自由动作,整活師能消耗1次變換時刻以作出下列任一事件:
  .刻印专长(Imprint Feat):替換1个已有的专长成另外1个专长,持續1轮。若整活師角色在游戏期间並没有亲自目擊此专长,那么整活師只能在CRB里选择「3+其职业等级」的专长作列表。整活師須要亲自目擊並成功通过一个DC 15的察覺检定(距離演繹专长的生物每10尺DC+1)才能成功刻印专长。整活師仍需要滿足刻印专长中的所有先決條件才能使用。
  .刻印技能(Imprint Skill):在1个技能检定中交換任一基本力量或敏捷的技能等级。
  .调整優勢(Modified Advantage):在任一d20检定獲得+1加值。整活師对其形態進行細微的內部變化以在完成任務的效率中提供協助。整活師能使其拳头加重、使其箭步加速、改变耳目的形态以增强其感官、调动神經以增加反應時間。

  塑形潛力(Shaped Capacity, Su):2级时,整活師獲得1种塑形潛力。他在每个偶數等级獲得額外1种塑形潛力。整活師不能选择个別天賦多于1次。使用塑形潛力需要消耗1次變換時刻,而且每轮只能進行1次。
  .刻印职业能力(Imprint Class Ability):整活師能使用任何等级等于其职业等级一半的角色所擁有,需要以一個動作執行(不包括施法或額外专长)的任何职业能力。此能力如同整活師是该职业的一员,等级為整活師等级的一半。若该能力限制每天使用次數,此同样限制整活師能刻印的次數。若整活師角色在游戏期间並没有亲自目擊此职业能力,那么整活師只能在CRB里选择「3+其职业等级」的职业能力作列表。整活師須要亲自目擊並成功通过一个DC 15的察覺检定(距離演繹职业能力的生物每10尺DC+1)才能成功刻印职业能力。
  .精通刻印专长(Improved Imprint Feat):替換2个已有的专长成另外2个专长。若整活師角色在游戏期间並没有亲自目擊此专长,整活師仍被他能限制刻印的专长列表限制,但此列表擴充「3+其魅力调整值」个选择。整活師須要亲自目擊並成功通过一个DC 15的察覺检定(距離演繹专长的生物每10尺DC+1)才能成功刻印专长。整活師仍需要滿足刻印专长中的所有先決條件才能使用。
  .精通刻印技能(Improved Imprint Skill):交換任一技能等级。
  .精通调整優勢(Improved Modified Advantage):调整優勢獲得的加值提升至+2。
  .反應裝甲(Instant Armor):整活師獲得等同于1/3其整活師职业等级的天生防禦加值至AC,持續每职业等级1分钟,若整活師使用全防禦时此加值提升至其完整职业等级。
  .效仿防禦(Mimic Defense):整活師对抗一个情況时在其強韌豁免或反射豁免獲得同于1/3职业等级的环境加值。
  .塑形攻击(Shaped Attack):整活師能改变自身形态以獲得1项天生攻击武器,造成基于其体型的傷害。在8级、15级和20级时,整活師獲得额外1项天生攻击武器。
  .塑形抗力(Shaped Resistance):整活師獲得5点任一能量抗力。在5级时提升至10点能量抗力。在10级时提升至20点能量抗力。

  改变形态(Change Shape, Su):3级时,消耗1次變換時刻,整活師有能力呈現出任何类人生物的外表(通常是类人),但保留其所有生理特质。此能力如同變身術(Alter Self)(整活師不会基于法术列举的体型调整其屬性),CL=其职业等级。此能力基于整活師职业等级时能模仿下列法术:
5级野獸形態I(beast shape I)
7级野獸形態II(beast shape II),元素形態I(elemental body I)
9级野獸形態III(beast shape III),元素形態II(elemental body II),植物形態I(plant shape I)
11级野獸形態IV(beast shape IV),元素形態III(elemental body III),植物形態II(plant shape II),巨龍形態I(form of the dragon I)
13级元素形態IV(elemental body IV),植物形態III(plant shape III),巨龍形態II(form of the dragon II),巨人形態I(giant form I)
15级巨龍形態III(form of the dragon III),巨人形態II(giant form II)

  完美复制(Perfect Copy, Su):3级时,当整活師使用改变形态,他能呈現出特定个体的外表。

  能力轉變(Ability Shift, Su):5级时,当整活師首次獲得此能力时他必須选择下列1项能力,並獲得每天1次的使用机会。在9级、13级、17级、19级时整活師獲得额外能力轉變能力和每天1次的额外使用机会,使用此能力被算作一个即时动作(因此不能在同一回合中使用此能力兩次)。
  .回避攻击(Avoid Attack):整活師通過彎曲其身體摆脱一次攻击。任何需要攻击骰的攻击將引起一次借机攻击,让整活師能作出特殊的近战攻击骰对抗,本质上是用其身体攻击,其他情況遵循标准规则的攻击骰对抗规则。若整活師胜出,此攻击失手(包括需要攻击骰的法术,例如射線或接觸法术)。若整活師的攻擊骰高於對对的攻擊骰10点或以上,整活師能无效化此攻击(例如捉停在半空中或无害地偏转),或选择一个在攻击觸及或射击范围里的新目标。
  .流線型体(Dynamic Form):整活師擁有的每种移动方式的速度提升30尺增强加值,而且飛行機動性提升1级,持續每等级1小时。此外,在此期间整活師在特技、攀爬、飛行、游泳检定獲得等同其职业等级的环境加值(最多+15)。
  .更多變化(Even More Changes):消耗1次能力轉變,整活師能恢復其每天變換時刻的使用次數。她能重新獲得「3+其魅力调整值」次變換時刻使用次數。
  .形态锁定(Shape Lock):整活師通过接觸能自动注意到任何变形者。此外,整活師能强迫一个变形者拘禁在它能呈現的一个形态中。此形态由整活師选择,而且您知曉該生物能模仿的法术,通过強韌豁免则无效(DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值)。此效果不能被解除(dispel)但能被破除結界(break enchantment)、有限祈願術(limited wish)、神跡術(miracle)、移除詛咒(remove curse)或祈願術(wish)所移除。儘管這是即时動作,但在戰斗中使用时仍需要一个接觸攻擊。
  .變換狀態(Shift Condition):整活師能无视任一狀態(包括死亡(including death))的效果,持續等同其职业等级。
  .异变之觸(Touch of Change):整活師能对接觸的任意活物使用惡意變形術(baleful polymorph)(DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值)。只有9級或以上的整活師才能選擇此能力。儘管這是即时動作,但在戰斗中使用时仍需要一个接觸攻擊。
  .石化之觸(Touch of Stone):整活師能在接觸的任何存时使用石化術(Flesh to Stone)或解除石化(Stone to Flesh)(DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值)。只有13級或以上的整活師才能選擇此能力。儘管這是即时動作,但在戰斗中使用时仍需要一个接觸攻擊。
  .變形之觸(Touch of Transformation):整活師能在接觸的任何存时使用變形萬物(Polymorph Any Object)(DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值)。只有15級或以上的整活師才能選擇此能力。儘管這是即时動作,但在戰斗中使用时仍需要一个接觸攻擊。

  進階塑形(Advanced Shapes):10级起,整活師增加下列進階塑形潛力至其新的塑形潛力选项。许多進階塑形的啟动需要整活師消耗2次其變換時刻。即使消耗的多次變換時刻,此仍合付其每轮1次的限制。
  .化作面具(Become the Mask):整活師能塑造自身的思维以鏡像任何已接觸的智能活物,持續每等级1轮。在此期间,该生物的人格操控整活師的身体。整活師用此能力让其盟友向佔有狀態交談並詢問。若佔有狀態試圖說或作出違背整活師意願的事。整活師能嘗試一个意豁免检定(DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值)来阻止。
  .看破(Form of Intention):透过整活師模仿生物的能力,他能在战斗中知道一个生物的意图,諳熟其对手的战斗风格和习慣。整活師在一场遭遇中对抗一个敵人时,他在对抗所有意識到的攻击时AC和豁免獲得+5洞察加值。
  .精通刻印职业能力(Improved Imprint Class Ability):整活師能使用任何等级等于其职业等级-3的角色所擁有,需要以一個動作執行(不包括施法或額外专长)的任何职业能力。此能力如同整活師是该职业的一员,等级為整活師等级-3。若该能力限制每天使用次數,此同样限制整活師能刻印的次數。若整活師角色在游戏期间並没有亲自目擊此职业能力,那么整活師仍被他能限制刻印的职业能力列表限制,但此列表擴充「3+其魅力调整值」个选择。。整活師須要亲自目擊並成功通过一个DC 15的察覺检定(距離演繹职业能力的生物每10尺DC+1)才能成功刻印职业能力。
  .塑形大師(Master of Shapes):整活師现在能每轮消耗2次變換時刻。
  .怪物性適應(Monstrous Adaptation):整活師接觸过任何活物后能複製利用其絕大部分攻击。複製魔法器官和生理器官以给予他该生物的特異能力或超自然能力;从此能力獲得的能力DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值。若整活師角色在游戏期间並没有接觸该生物,那么整活師只能在怪物图鉴里选择「3+其职业等级」的通用怪物能力作列表。此能力持續1轮。
  .再生(Regeneration):整活師獲得再生 5(强酸或火焰),持續每职业等级1轮。
  .塑形器官(Shaped Anatomy):整活師有50%机率无视重击或偷襲,此能力持續1轮。

  无型化(Unform, Su):20级时,每天1次,以一个标準动作,整活師能清除他接觸的任何东西。目标受到40d6的伤害,成功通过強韌豁免则減半(DC=10+1/2整活師职业等级+其魅力调整值)。此能力在其余方面如同解離術(Disintegrate)(CL=其职业等级)。

劇透 -   :
Role: We serve as the greatest of spies, being able to change our appearance and our personalities. We serve as gifted scouts, able to range far and wide by wing or by fin, able to go where others cannot. Some become spiritualists spending time with the creatures they imitate seeking their own private lore. Others serve as companions to other shapeshifters, from doppelgangers to lycanthropes, often passing on our lore so that these creatures learn of our abilities. However, like myself, many of my kith and kin are outsiders searching for a new place and meaning in this world, or seeking for the truth of their former identity through the muddle of altered and false memories. These, like myself, have taken up the life of an adventurer. 

Alignment: Taskshapers may be of any alignment.
Hit Die: d8

Class Skills
The taskshaper can choose any 10 skills to be class skills.
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier

Mimicry (Ex):At 1st level a taskshaper is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, armor, and shields. At 4th level, a taskshaper can use any spell trigger or spell completion item as if the spells were on its spell list. Its caster level is equal to its class level. At 8th level, a taskshaper becomes proficient with all exotic weapons.

Moment of Change (Su):Each day, the taskshaperhas a pool of moments of change equal to three plus herclass level. Once a round, as a free action, a taskshaper canexpend a moment of change to do any one of the followingthings:
•Imprint Feat:For one round exchange onefeat the taskshaper currently possess for anotherfeat. If the taskshaper character has not personallywitnessed this feat during game play, the taskshapercan only select a list of feats from thePathfinder®Roleplaying Game Core RulebookTMequal to 3+her class level. Successfully imprinting a feat thetaskshaper personally witnesses requires a successfulperception check DC 15 (+1 per 10’ of distance fromthe creature performing the feat). The taskshapermust still meet all the perquisites for the imprintedfeat.
•Imprint Skill:Exchange the ranks of any oneStrength or Dexterity Based Skill for one skill check.
•Modified Advantage:Gain a +1 bonus to anysingle d20 roll. You make a minor internal change toyour form that assists in the performance of a task.You make your fist heavier, making the arch of your swing move faster, you change the shape of your eyes and ears to heighten your senses, you move nerves around increasing your reaction time.

Shaped Capacity (Su):At 2nd level, a taskshaper gains one shaped capacity. She gains an additional shapedcapacity every even level. A taskshaper cannot select an individual talent more than once. Capacities require a taskshaper to spend moments of change, which she maydo only once per round.
•Impersonate:Using her ability to emulate the thoughts of creature she has touched, the task can impersonate other living creatures’ mannerisms,speech patterns, knowledge, and overall demeanor, adding a +5 bonus to Disguise checks. The taskshaper can use this ability at will, although she must have touched the creature to be impersonated at somepoint and then spent a moment of change before he can use the ability. The creature gains no sense that the taskshaper is impersonating him.
•Imprint Class Ability:The Taskshaper can use any class ability that could be possess by a character equal to half her class level that could be performed as a single action (does not include spellcasting or bonusfeats). The ability functions as if she were a member of that class with a level equal to half her taskshaper class level. If an ability can only be used so manytimes per day s this also limits how many times ataskshaper can imprint it.  If the taskshaper characterhas not personally witnessed this class ability duringgameplay the taskshaper can only select from a listof class abilities from thePathfinder® RoleplayingGame Core RulebookTMequal to 3 plus her class level.Successfully imprinting a class ability the taskshaperpersonally witnesses requires a successful perceptioncheck DC 15 (+1 per 10’ of distance from the creatureusing the class ability).
•Improved Imprint Feat:For one round exchange two feats, the taskshaper currently possess for another feat. If the taskshaper character has not personally witnessed this feat during game play,the taskshaper is still limited to the list feats shecan emulate, though this list increases by 3 + her Charisma modifier. Successfully imprinting a feat the taskshaper personally witnesses requires a successful perception check DC 15 (+1 per 10’ of distance fromthe creature performing the feat). The taskshaper must still meet all the perquisites for the imprinted feats.
•Improved Imprint Skill:Exchange the ranks of any one Skill for one skill check.
•Improved Modified Advantage:You increase the bonus of your modified advantage ability to +2
•Instant Armor:You gain a natural armor bonus toAC equal to one-third your taskshaper class level forone minute per class level, if you are using the totaldefense maneuver this bonus increases to your fullclass level.
•Mimic Defense:You gain a circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex saving throw equal to one-third your class level against a single condition(minimum +1).
•Shaped Attack:You can change your form sothat you gain 1 natural attack form; it deals damage appropriate for your size. At 8th, 15th, and 20th level,you gain an additional natural attack form.
•Shaped Resistance:You gain resistance 5 againsta specific energy type of your choice. At 5th levelthis ability increases to resistance 10, At 10th level itincreases again to resistance 20.

Change Shape (Su):At 3rd level, the taskshaper has the ability to assume the appearance of any humanoid creature (usually a humanoid) by spending a moment of change, but retains all of its own physical qualities. This ability functions as the alter self spell, (The taskshaperdoes adjust its ability scores based on its size as per thespell) with a caster level equal to her class level. This ability emulates additional spells based on your class level:
Table: Change Shape
Class LevelSpell Name
5thbeast shape I
7thbeast shape II,elemental body I
9thbeast shape III,elemental body II,plant shape I
11thbeast shape IV,elemental body III,form of the dragon I,plant shape II
13thgiant form I,elemental body IV,formof the dragon II,plant shape III
15thgiant form II,form of the dragon III

Perfect Copy (Su):At 3rd level, when a taskshaper uses change shape, she can assume the appearance of specific individuals.

Ability Shift (Su):At 5th level, when first gained,the taskshaper must select a single power from the listbelow, and has a single ability shift per day to spend. She gains additional ability shift power at 9th, 13th, 17th, and19th level. In addition, the taskshaper also increases an additional ability shift use per day at each of these levels,use of this ability is considered an immediate action (hence you cannot use the ability twice in the same round).
•Avoid Attack:By bending and distorting your body, you move out of the way of an attack. Any incoming attack that requires an attack roll, provokes an attack of opportunity, to which the taskshaper can make a special opposed melee attack roll, essentially attacking the attack with her body, otherwise if follows standard rules for opposed attack rolls. If successful, the attack misses (including spells thatrequire an attack roll to hit, like a ray or a touch spell).If the taskshaper’s roll exceeds its opponents by 10 ormore the taskshaper can negate the attack (catching it in midair or causing it to be deflected harmlessly),or it can choose a new target within range or reach of the attack.
•Dynamic Form:Your speed for each movement mode you posses gain a + 30 ft. enhancement bonus and your fly maneuverability improves by one-step for one hour per level. In addition, during this time, you gain a circumstance bonus to Acrobatics,Climb, Fly and Swim checks equal to your class level(maximum +15).
•Even More Changes:By spending an ability shift, the taskshaper can recharge her daily uses of moments of change. She regains a number of moments of change equal to three plus her Charisma modifier.
•Shape Lock:You automatically become aware of any shapechanger by touch. In addition, you can force and lock a shapechanger into one shape it can assume. This shape is chosen by you and your aware of the spell the creature can emulate, a Fort save negates (DC 10 +1/2 the taskshaper’s class level + her Charisma modifier). This effect cannot be dispelled but it can be removed with a break enchantment,limited wish,miracle,remove curse, or wishspell.All though this is an immediate action its use in combat still requires a touch attack.
•Shift Condition:You can ignore the effects of anysingle condition (including death) for a number of rounds equal to your taskshaper class level.
•Touch of Change:The taskshaper can baleful polymorph(DC 10 +1/2 the taskshaper’s class levelplus her Charisma modifier; caster level equal toher class level) any living creature she touches. Only a taskshaper of 9th level or higher can choose this
ability. All though this is an immediate action its usein combat still requires a touch attack.
•Touch of Stone:The taskshaper can use flesh to stone or stone to flesh(DC 10 +1/2 the taskshaper’sclass level plus her Charisma modifier; caster levelequal to her class level) on anything she touches.Only a taskshaper of 13th level or higher can choosethis ability. All though this is an immediate action itsuse in combat still requires a touch attack.
•Touch of Transformation:The taskshaper can use polymorph any object(DC 10 +1/2 the taskshaper’sclass level plus her Charisma modifier, caster levelequal to her class level) anything she touches. Onlya taskshaper of 15th level or higher can choose thisability. All though this is an immediate action its usein combat still requires a touch attack.

Advanced Shapes:Beginning at 10th level, a taskshaper adds the following advanced shaped capacities to her choices when picking a new shaped capacity. Many advanced shapes require a taskshaper to spend two of her daily uses of her moment of change ability. This still qualifies as spending a moment of change once during herturn, even though multiple moments of change are spent.
•Become the Mask: The taskshaper can shape its mind to mirror that of any living intelligent creature it has touched for 1 round per level. During this time, the creature’s personality takes control of the taskshaper’s body. Taskshapers use this ability to allow their allies to speak with and ask questions ofthe possessing form. If the possessing form seeks to say or do something against the taskshaper’s will,the taskshaper may attempt a Will saving throw (DC
10 +1/2 your taskshaper class level + your Charisma Modifier) to prevent it.
•Form of Intention:The taskshaper can know a creature’s intentions in combat, by accessing her ability to impersonate a creature, knowing intimately her opponent’s fighting styles and habits. Thetaskshaper gains a +5 insight bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws against all attacks she is aware of made by one foe for the duration of that encounter.
•Improved Imprint Class Ability:The taskshapercan use any class ability that could be possess by acharacter equal to her class level minus three that can be performed as a single action (does not includespellcasting or bonus feats). The ability functions asif she were a member of that class with a level equalto her taskshaper class level minus three. If an abilitycan only be used so many times per day s this alsolimits how many times a taskshaper can imprintit. If the taskshaper character has not personallywitnessed this class ability during game play, thetaskshaper is still limited by her list of available classabilities though it does increase by 3 + her Charismamodifier. Successfully imprinting a class ability thetaskshaper personally witnesses requires a successfulperception check DC 15 (+1 per 10’ of distance fromthe creature using the ability). You must possess theimprint class ability in order to select this option.
•Master of Shapes:The taskshaper may now spend two moments of change per round, if she wishes.
•Monstrous Adaptation:A taskshaper can duplicate almost any attack that any living creatureit has touched could utilize. Duplicate organs, bothmundane and arcane, granting her the extraordinary or supernatural abilities of such creatures; any savingthrow offered by such and abilitiy’s DC  is equal to
10 +1/2 her taskshaper class level + her Charisma Modifier. If the taskshaper character has not touched this creature during game play the taskshaper can only select abilities from a list of universal monster abilities from the Pathfinder® Roleplaying GameBestiaryTMequal to 3 plus her class level. This abilitycan be maintained for 1 round.
•Regeneration:The taskshaper gains regeneration 5 (acid or fire) for 1 round per class level.
•Shaped Anatomy:taskshaper has a 50% chanceof ignoring a critical hit or a sneak attack, this abilityremains in effect for 1 round.
•Stretch:A taskshaper can double her natural reachby stretching her arms, legs, tail, or other appendages in combat. This increase can be maintained for 1 round.

Unform (Su):At 20th level, the taskshaper can unmake anything she touches once per day as a standardaction. The subject suffers 40d6 points of damage,though a successful Fort save reduces the damage byhalf. (DC 10 +1/2 the taskshaper’s class level plus herCharisma modifier) in all other respects this functions as a disintegrate spell (Caster level equal to her class level).
« 上次编辑: 2020-03-16, 周一 21:06:44 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


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Re: Taskshaper
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-03-16, 周一 00:31:56 »




+6 /+1
+6 /+1
+7 /+2
+8 /+3
+9 /+4
+9 /+4
+10 /+5
+11 /+6 /+1
+12 /+7 /+2
+12 /+7 /+2
+13 /+8 /+3
+14 /+9 /+4
+15 /+10 /+5









« 上次编辑: 2020-03-16, 周一 17:20:52 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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Re: Taskshaper
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-03-16, 周一 00:39:18 »

劇透 -   :
Designer’s Note:
The taskshaper can a bit heavy on the book keeping side of play, similar to how a wizard must maintain a spellbook, as one needs to record every ability and feat that the taskshaper ever witnessed, while GMs can hand-wave this away for NPCs. For a PC however, a GM is encouraged only to allow this class to be used by players the GM trusts to keep accurate records of
the feats and abilities her character can emulate (he may wish to review this list, as he would the spells or magic items a PC has available). GMs should at all costs avoid hand-waving this PC bookkeeping and allowing a taskshaper to just emulate what they wanted whenever they wanted to use it. In the same way one would avoid hand-waving a wizards spellbook.


« 上次编辑: 2020-03-16, 周一 21:05:50 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


  • 犭良人
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  • 帖子数: 2564
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Re: 百活塑者(Taskshaper)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-03-16, 周一 21:46:49 »
Baleful Touch (General)
You transform a creature into a harmless animal.
Prerequisites: Moment of change class feature, shaped capacity class feature, change shape (beast shape III) class feature, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Three times per day you can spend a moment of change and inflict a baleful polymorph spell on a creature you touch (a standard action that includes the melee touch attack) unless your victim makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your taskshaper class level + your Charisma modifier). The caster level of this spell is equal to your taskshaper class level. Activating this spell-like ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Dreaded Shape (General)
“See now the shape of fear”
Prerequisites: Change shape (form of the dragon III) and moment of change class feature.
Benefit: If you spend one moment of change, you become a larger, awful version of your current shape. You grow to size Large, and take on features that horrify your enemies. You gain the following abilities for one round per taskshaper class level you possess: a +6 size bonus to Strength, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor bonus, DR 10/cold iron or silver (your choice), and spell resistance equal to 10 + your taskshaper class level.
You also emit an aura that emanates 30 feet from you. Enemy creatures within the aura are shaken. Each time a creature shaken by this aura hits you with a melee attack, that creature becomes frightened for 1d4 rounds, though at the end of that duration it is no longer affected by this aura. The aura’s effect is a fear and mind-affecting effect.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Extra Moment of Change (General)
You have learned how to draw more power from your pool of moments of change.
Prerequisite: Moment of change class feature.
Benefit: Your pool of moments of change increases by 2.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, granting you an increase to your pool of moments of change each time you take this feat.

Extra Shaped Capacity (General)
You have unlocked the secret of a new shaped capacity.
Prerequisite: Shaped capacity class feature.
Benefit: You gain one additional shaped capacity ability. You must meet all the prerequisites for this shaped capacity.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, granting you a new shaped capacity ability each time you gain this feat, though you still cannot select a shaped capacity ability you already possess.

Greater Change Shape (General)
“I have learned the forms of death and power.”
Prerequisites: Change shape and moment of change class feature, Improved Change Shape.
Benefit: you gain access to undead anatomy (See Ultimate MagicTM) and geniekind (See Below) for use with your change shape class feature based on your taskshaper class level as shown on the table below.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisite

Table: Greater Change Shape
Class Level Spell Name
5th undead anatomy I
9th geniekind, undead anatomy II
11th undead anatomy III
15th undead anatomy IV

Imprint Racial Traits (General)
“Unlike you I am not limited by the circumstances of my birth.”
Prerequisite: Moment of change class feature.
Benefit: You can spend 1 moment of change to exchange one racial trait you posses for any other single racial trait (excluding languages and weapon familiarity), this effect remains for 24 hours. Ability score adjustment racial traits can only be exchanged for ability score adjustments, Senses racial traits can only be exchanged for another sense racial trait, This must a be a racial trait of a race available for use as a player character in your current campaign, you can select alternate racial traits. If you select an alternate racial trait for your actual race, the duration becomes permanent.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Improved Change Shape (General)
“I have learned the secretes of many forms”
Prerequisites: Change shape and moment of change class feature
Benefit: you gain access to monstrous physique and vermin shape (See Ultimate MagicTM) for use with your change shape class feature based on your taskshaper class level as shown on the table below.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Table: Improved Change Shape
Class Level Spell Name
5th monstrous physique I, vermin shape I
7th monstrous physique II, vermin shape II
9th monstrous physique II
11th monstrous physique IV

Mimic Reaction Time (General)
You know how to emulate the reaction time of some of the fastest creatures alive.
Prerequisite: Shaped capacity class feature.
Benefit: By spending 1 moment of change you gain a circumstance bonus to your Initiative equal to one-third your class level for one encounter.
Special: You can choose to take this feat as a shaped capacity ability.

Modified Advantage Focus (General)
Your dedication knows no limit. Your wrath dies hard.
Prerequisite: Moment of change class feature.
Benefit: Increase the bonus granted by modified advantage by 1.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, granting you an increase to modified advantage by 1 each time you take this feat.

Phoenix Rising (General)
“Some shapes are best when you pass beyond”
Prerequisites: Change shape (beast shape IV) and moment of change class feature
Benefit: You expend all of your moments of change when you die, if at least 3 points are expended this way you are restored to life and transform into a Large sized phoenix (see Pathfinder BestiaryTM) as if both a raise dead and then a beast shape IV spell were cast upon you, use your taskshaper class level as the caster level. You can choose to delay this resurrection and transformation for any amount of time up to 3 days if you so choose.
Special: if you are least a 15th level taskshaper this functions as a resurrection instead of a raise dead spell 17th level taskshaper this functions as a true resurrection instead of a raise dead spell. You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Task Adept (General)
“Whatever you can do, I can do.”
Prerequisite: Moment of change class feature.
Benefit: Feats you imprint (including this one) now last for 24 hours when you use the imprint feat or improve imprint feat ability.
Special: You are still limited by the fact that if you have not personally witnessed this feat during game play, you cannot imprint it and you must still meet all the prerequisites for the imprinted feat. You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Task Master (General)
You have learned how imitate the deeds of others.
Prerequisite: Moment of change class feature.
Benefit: You can imprint an additional feat (including this one) when you use the imprint feat or improved imprint feat ability.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, granting you the ability to switch out an additional feat each time you take this feat; You are still limited by the fact that if you have not personally witnessed this feat during game play you cannot imprint it and you must still meet all the prerequisites for the imprinted feat.

Task Savant (General)
“Give me a moment and I can do it.”
Prerequisite: Moment of change class feature.
Benefit: You can spend 1 moment of change to exchange one Str or Dex based chosen class skill for another Str or Dex based chosen class skill.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Touch of Deformity (General)
“You shall learn the shape of torment”
Prerequisites: Change shape (beast shape I) and moment of change class feature.
Benefit: If you expend 1 moment of change your successful touch attack or natural attack causes your opponent to become painfully malformed for one round per taskshaper class level you possess. Unless your opponents makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your taskshaper class level + your Charisma modifier) its limbs twist and buckle, while its body contorts uncontrollably, shifting and warping. Each round your opponent suffers excruciating pain and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage, 1 point of Dexterity damage, and 1 point of Constitution damage, and its speed is reduced by 10 feet. This is a transmutation polymorph effect.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Touch of Malformation (General)
“I can shape more than just myself”
Prerequisites: Moment of change and shaped capacity class feature
Benefit: You expend 1 moment of change and with a successful touch attack or natural attack warp your opponent’s body, discoloring it and causing it to become misshapen and impairing its function. When you use this ability, you must choose one of three types of effects to inflict on the target—movement, attacks, or defense.
• Attacks: One of the creature’s natural attacks takes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls, only scores a critical hit on a natural 20, and only deals ×2 damage on a confirmed critical hit.
• Defense: The creature’s natural armor bonus decreases by –4, to a minimum bonus of +0.
• Movement: One of the creature’s movement speeds (chosen by you) is halved.
• This is a transmutation polymorph effect.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Viper’s Riposte (General)
“If the blade attacks you, change the blade”
Prerequisites: Change shape (beast shape I) and
moment of change class feature Benefit: If an opponent hits you with a manufactured melee weapon you can expend one point of moment of
change and unless your opponent makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your taskshaper class level + your Cha modifier) or that weapon to turn into a venomous snake for 10 minutes per taskshaper class level you possess. This snake has all the stats of a Medium viper (see Pathfinder BestiaryTM). This snake follows your commands to the best of its ability. It always acts on your turn, and can attack beginning on the round this feat is
used. If the viper is killed, it returns to its original form.
This is a transmutation polymorph effect.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

Unstable Touch (General)
You curse a creature with an amorphous body.
Prerequisites: Moment of change class feature, shaped capacity class feature, change shape (beast shape I) class feature, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: Three times per day you can spend a moment of change and curse a creature you touch (a standard action that includes the melee touch attack) with an amorphous body unless your victim makes a successful Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your taskshaper class level + your Charisma modifier). This is a supernatural ability that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A creature cursed with an amorphous body becomes a spongy, shapeless mass. Unless the victim manages to control the effect (see below), its shape constantly melts, flows, writhes, and boils. An affected creature is unable to hold or use any item. Clothing, armor, helmets, and rings become useless. Large items worn or carried—armor, backpacks, even shirts— hamper more than help, reducing the victim’s Dexterity score by 4. Speed is reduced to 10 feet or one-quarter normal, whichever is less. The victim gains the amorphous quality, but cannot cast spells or use magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable to distinguish friend from foe (–4 penalty on attack rolls and a 50% miss chance, regardless of the attack roll).
A victim can temporarily regain its own shape by taking a standard action to attempt a second Will save. A success reestablishes the creature’s normal form for 1 minute. Spells that change the victim’s shape (such as alter self, beast shape, elemental body, and polymorph) do not remove the curse, but hold the creature in a stable form (which might not be its own form, depending on the spell) for the duration of the spell; shapechange and stoneskin have a similar effect. The amorphous body curse is permanent until removed.
The curse bestowed by this feat cannot be dispelled, but it can also be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell but the caster level of the spell must exceed your taskshaper class level.
Special: You can take this feat as a shaped capacity so long as you meet its prerequisites.

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due